I see trouble between COB and Iced Earth

Freudian essays??? What thread was this???

How do you know I'm not a psychologist? :p Heh just so you know psychology is one of my specialties... a hobby, I guess... I like to see how ppl's minds work. Since I've spent countless days (over a thousand, at least) of my life studying psychology, I think I am more qualified than the average schmuck on the subject. So fuck you. :Spin: Only music holds more interest to me, but they are heavily related anyways...

EDIT: Was it Seph's thread about his situation? If so, you're waaaaaay outta you're league my friend. I've never met anyway half as qualified as I am on that subject... you'll just have to trust me on that. Love is one thing that I've studied and experienced far too much (if that's possible). Eh, think whatever you like... I can't think of anyway to prove it so there's no point.
Justifying stupid behaviour by saying "I was just checking out how offended people would get" must be one of the worst and most debile excuses ever.
Oh how I grow weary of these Schaffer posts...
There are alot of stories about Jon (mainly bad ones) but the truth is if you people knew how many of these "stories" were actually true...you would laugh at all of the negative press, and on that token "negative press" is often better than no press.

Jon is a very proud American, and yes he can come off as offensive
but in all reality Jon is a great guy.The times I have spoken with him he was nothing but respectful, and I have talked with Jag Panzer on the subject & they have said Iced Earth was a blast to tour with...and all you people who assume Jon is going to "start shit" with Alexi Laiho...you guys better be a little more intelligent in your "assumptions"

Further reading your posts
I will say that Iced Earth is definately the main reason this tour will sell.
IE now has all Tim-era Priest fans & Priest fans in general lining up to see this tour, not to mention the amazing sales & promotion of "The Glorious Burden" Is Bodom helping the tour? definatley
The mallcore/poser following of CoB in Southern California alone is enough to sell this tour out, no offense to you die-hards but CoB definatley has a very psuedo-following...along with Dimmu Borgir,Cradle Of Filth,etc.
Great live band though & I look forward to seeing them in Hollywood.

Onto the point of this post...
Here's what Jag Panzer guitarist Mark Briody had to say about the whole
"Anders/Schaffer" incident.

"O.K., here's the story
"There had been limited stage room for us and IN FLAMES for several of the shows. Montreal was particularly bad so Anders decided to talk to Jon about it. It did not go well. Jon told him to take a hike (but not in those words). Matt told me that Anders approached Jon with an attitude. I wasn't in the room so I'm just relaying what I was told.

"The limited stage room didn't bother me. Of course I would have wanted more room, but we weren't the headliner so we just deal with things like that.

"One thing that I didn't care for is that Anders discussed the subject with us stating that both JAG PANZER and IN FLAMES should have more stage room. But he approached Jon and suggested that JAG PANZER remain with the limited stage but IN FLAMES get more room. I didn't think that was too cool. But it was no big deal either. Things like this happen on tour all the time."

Do not believe everything you hear my friends
I know these guys personally & I can say without guilt
that half of stories of Jon in the media...are complete bullshit.
See you Bodom fans in May

Shut yer traps and get yourself to your nearest venue |,,/
if something should happen between Schaffer and Bodom, then we'll discuss it in its own context if and when it happens. There's no reason why there should be ANY tension at all between the two bands before they even start touring.
Iced earth are old news there musical style is just so boring and outdated cob will rock there faces off! if i was an american i would watch cob then go to the bar.

and for the record in flames dont suck reroute is actually a very good album if you give it a fair shot and stop being so elitist
JAG PANZER guitarist Mark Briody has issued an update on ICED EARTH's much-anticipated "Gettysburg" DVD, which he is currently producing for his recently formed video production company. According to Briody, "the DVD is still in production so don't look for it in the stores just yet. It's coming out very cool. [ICED EARTH mainman] Jon [Schaffer]'s got some excellent ideas and I'm working hard to make them happen. I can't give out anymore information, that's something for Jon or SPV to do. But I just thought I'd say that the DVD is coming out excellent. I probably have another 4 to 6 weeks of production time left. There are issues beyond just making a killer DVD. Things like historical accuracy. I can't have a still from Sharpsburg in there, this is Gettysburg. The flags, maps and everything need to be historically accurate. At the same time it needs to be very entertaining for the average metal fan. To get an idea of the work involved, I have 2 terabytes of data (yes, 10 200-gig drives) in use for this project."

so...the Jag Panzer guy is producing their video...could that have SOMETHING to do with his pro-IE statement maybe? :p
Schaffer will be intimidated by how decent the response is for COB and will in turn pull shit to make their lives more miserable. For example, hogging the soundboard so COB get a shitty sound everynight, giving them shorter sets, less stage room etc...

Sadly, Scahffer's attitude has been ruining IE for me more and more as the years go on and hearing the comments he made about In Flames doesn't surprise me one bit. My friend did sound for IE on the tour they did with Megadeth and the stories I heard about Jon were ridiculous. Sounds like a grade A Asshole to me.
this thread sucks now. . .is was good in the beginning. . .but now its just getting rediculous. . . "fuck everyone" is being just as bad as schaffer. . .maybe . . .just maybe. . .instead of bashing on the french. . . and canada. . .we should direct out comments to the heart of the topic. . .well COB and IE get along on this tour. . .they both seem like likable guys, although i have not met Jon Schaffer personaly, i see no problems as long as schaffer (the bad mouther) doesnt' get drunk and start shit. . .getting into a fight with the other bands and thing end up broken or injured. . .i just want some good bands to play near my house and i wanna have a good time. . .fuck all this drama bull shit

ok im done now
all this blabbing is makin' me think. Shit, Schaffer was kinda stupid to even let Bodom get on the tour. He will be like omg they're stealing our fire. Oh well, serves him right. Bodom should be headlining anyway. 1 month til hell in NYC!
Yeah, though I've never seen Iced Earth live (and I don't intend to -- I will leave after CoB's set), I can imagine that CoB will steal the show at quite a few places. The sad thing is I can just picture Iced Earth coming out onstage and Schaffer shouting "God Bless America" before they start playing.
I couldn't see Schaffer making such comments to Anders being that Schaffer threw out John Greely (former IE vocalist)for making some comments about Jews. Schaffer would have to be a huge hypocrite to do that.
Alright, settle down bitches :P

Check out a show and we'll see just what happens when the tour gets underway. This is all in the name of music. Like it or not, Iced Earth certainly DOES have its number of fans, as does Bodom.
We should all respect this and not make inferences beforehand.
I told Roope that the band has to beware of Jon Schaffer and he said that he heard that too and just won't cross his way and he also said that he is used to it when the headlining band doesn't give the support bands much space on stage.