Who writes the best lyrics?


S k y f i r e - + -
Jul 22, 2003
Just wondering from you guys on who writes the best lyrics in the band.

Personally I like Wenngren and Bjork, the old Timeless Departure drummer, the best. Bjork has written or teamed up with one of the members to write some of my favorite lyrics off of Timeless Departure like Dimensions Unseen, From Here To Death, Skyfire, ect. Wenngren has written most of my favs off Mind_Revolution too, like Blinded By Euphoria and Nightmares Nevermore. I think they have all written some good shit. Oh and gotta give Sjogren some credit on writing Dawn Will Break.
I love By God Forsaken (Hanner wrote that), and Haunted by Shadows and Dawn Will Break are awesome as well (Sjogren). Nightmares Nevermore is good - Wenngren did that. Also, I like Timeless Departure and Dimensions Unseen. So I guess I really can't say I have a favorite.

I wanna see Andreas write some lyrics...and Joakim too!
It's really hard for me to say, they've all got something good about them. I like Henrik's because they seem a little sardonic and cynical to me, and Jonas's aren't any darker or anything, but I'd say a little more serious. Martin's got some kind of poetic touch with By God Forsaken, and Toby's seem to take the general darkness of death metal lyrics and put it into a more complex than average wording.
I thought Jonas came up with some great ideas for MR so I'll give him plenty of credit for that.

Than I'd have to go with Tobbe and say he did a great job on some of the TD lyrics, which I think are excellent :rock: