
Using state data and other sources, the newspaper documents the killings of 1,367 pregnant women and new mothers since 1990. It said there were undoubtedly more deaths, and that 13 states said they had no way of knowing how many such deaths occurred.

The Post said several statewide studies have found pregnant women more likely to die of homicide than of any natural cause, and that the deaths cut across racial and ethnic groups.

What the fuck? Is there some sort of fetus stealing crime ring I've never heard of?
Yep, stuff like this happens all the time. Just some cases aren't well known as the baby is quickly found.

Maybe not a crime ring, but psychotica and jealousy may be causes.
have you guys gotten a chance to peruse the rat terrier breeders' messageboard (http://members.boardhost.com/breedersboard/index.html) where they met and everything? and how the commmunity there is aghast. here's the message that the killer posted to the victim:

Posted by Darlene Fischer on December 15, 2004, 4:22 pm

I was recommended to you by Jason Dawson and have been unable to reach you by either phone or email. Please get in touch with me soon as we are considering the purchase of one of your puppies and would like to ask you a few questions.


and the response:

Posted by Bobbie on December 15, 2004, 7:44 pm, in reply to "Message for Happy Haven Farms"

I've emailed you with the directions so we can meet. I do so hope that the email reaches you. Great chatting with you on messenger. And do look forward to chatting with you tomorrow a.m.

Thanks Jason, and talk to you soon Darlene!
Have a great evening

Also, the killer's email address for that post is fischer4kids@hotmail.com