Who's Better, Herman Li or Alexi?

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Lol I wonder if anyone's opinion has changed over the 2 years. I just re-read this whole thread :P

I'd def go Alexi over Herman nowadays.
Herman because he is epic. He also has a unique style.

I say Li,but I hate DF

herman li, just beacuse he is jap.

Technique wise i'd say herman is a bit better. alexi pretty much does the same kind of shit over and over in his songs while herman just goes batshit insane and does a lot of different stuff, it only sounds the same because of the blinding speed. i like the feel of alexi's solos a bit better though because some dragonforce solos really aren't that interesting. some though kick serious ass.

Steve might not play fast all the time but in terms of technique (which you know nothing about because you're not a guitarist), Vai is better.

So is Jason Becker.


these made me lol
this thread is pointless. why bother asking a question like this on the COB forum? people who post on this thread are most likely COB fans, and they most likely will stick to their taste and be subjective.
Alexi Beat the Crap out of Li


Alexi Didnt Won a award For nothing.

Yeah he does but..:erk: not because he won some award that wasn't selected by a judging panel of esteemed and talented guitar players but a bunch of rabid,over enthusiastic, hyperfans like me who followed the linky to vote for him everytime they went to the forums!:lol: Its more a popularity contest than proving any clear talent in my book. Regardless every cob song sounds unreal to me and thats to do with the audible chemistry between the lot of them and the mindblowing riffs and solos from Laiho and Janne mostly. Li's solos (except the ones on 'through the fire..') don't make me feel the same emotion, so for me Alexi's miles ahead :kickass:
this is somewhat of a stupid comparison....I say alexi by far for his technique and unique sound.When i say unique sound...i mean he creates his sound with just distortion....he doesnt throw fucking phasers and all that gay shit DF throws on....it covers way too many mistakes and even then with all that on top of herman's playing he can still manage to sound like puke up a donkey's ass live.
and alexi doesn't use a cheater multiplying note petal or whatever the fuck they're called. and aside from just Herman Li, dragonforce's keyboardist is lame compared to Janne and their vocalist is lame and their lyrics are lame. Who the fuck wants to listen to shit about dragons flying around.
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