who's gonna be on the next Ink album? and what'll it be called?


New Metal Member
May 4, 2005
hey, im a new member here. just wanted to say hi to everyone. i've been reading these forums for the past few days and im insanely into Spastic Ink, so i figured i'd join. Savi is just a nickname for me in case you're wondering lol. my real name is Anthony.

but anyway...yeah the title just about sums it up. im just wondering if the new album will have Bobby again. i heard only a portion of one Spastic Ink song (Aquanet), and from that little glimpse of the band i can already tell that he's one of the greatest drummers of all time. Ink Compatible is on its way in the mail though. im predicting ahead of time that it will change my life forever lol. :worship:
I'm tempted to type up a big farce that Ron is now officially a gangster, and he's programmed all the beats himself, and will be releasing the new Spizzle Izzle album on Death Row Records. But I won't!
I hope they do make another disc, but chances of that seem pretty slim at the moment. Bobby is too busy with Iced Earth, and Ron has said that he won't do another album until Bobby and Pete both have enough time to dedicate to getting it done (Ink Compatible took something like 4 years to complete).
wow, i didnt even know Bobby was with Iced Earth. that's pretty sweet. but he should realize that Ink is way more important than Iced Earth!
They should get Devin Townsend to do some guest vocals. Him or Garm. They already got guest vocals from my number one favorite vocalist.
I got an account there recently.....but I'm not an active member there. I was glad to hear about the Devin Townsend Band DVD that should be coming out soon.
All of you guys are right on the money, or are very close.

I don't want to do another Spastic Ink CD unless Bobby and Pete are totally into it, and have time. If there are any guests at all, it would be one or two, not eleven! (like on Ink Compatible).

Ink does put a bit of money on the table, but not enough to stay afloat.

As for a CD title, I'm not sure. But the play on the word "ink/inc" would happen with the SONG titles, not the CD title. There are too many cool words to play off of... Ink Coherent, Ink Cognito, Ink Competent, Ink Combustible, Ink Credible, Ink Crease, Ink Conspicuous, etc... There's too many! I wrote down a lits once of possibilities, and I had something like 10 or 15 of them. All would be cool to try to capture with music.

And we all know that there won't be this many Ink CDs to use the titles for, so why not make them the song titles?
ronjarz said:
All of you guys are right on the money, or are very close.

I don't want to do another Spastic Ink CD unless Bobby and Pete are totally into it, and have time. If there are any guests at all, it would be one or two, not eleven! (like on Ink Compatible).

Ink does put a bit of money on the table, but not enough to stay afloat.

As for a CD title, I'm not sure. But the play on the word "ink/inc" would happen with the SONG titles, not the CD title. There are too many cool words to play off of... Ink Coherent, Ink Cognito, Ink Competent, Ink Combustible, Ink Credible, Ink Crease, Ink Conspicuous, etc... There's too many! I wrote down a lits once of possibilities, and I had something like 10 or 15 of them. All would be cool to try to capture with music.

And we all know that there won't be this many Ink CDs to use the titles for, so why not make them the song titles?

well im glad to hear that you're not gonna sell out and settle for some drastic line up changes just to get an album done. Bobby and Pete are just as essential to the band as you are, and no Ink album should be done without all three of you.

my vote for the new CD title is "Ink Combustible," but like you said, you only want to play off of the "ink" pattern with song titles instead of album titles. however, if you made all or most of the songs look like that, then it may get repetative and confusing. keeping the song titles diverse helps me remember which song is which lol. but that's not really even important anyway. the music is what matters.

oh and by the way, my brother Dom told me about how Ink Compatible was taking forever to arrive in the mail and that you're also sending him Ink Complete for free! that's awesome man. :worship:
Yeah, the track listing would look like this... LOL!

1. Ink Combustible
2. Ink Competent
3. Ink Coherent
4. Ink Comprehensible
5. Ink Corrupt
6. Ink Cursion
7. Ink Creasing
8. Ink Corporated
9. Ink Congruous
10. Ink Consequencial
11. Ink Consistency
12. Ink Conclusive

We could have a field day with those titles!

About your brother's CD... I thought I could swing by the post office last week and mail out Ink CD orders while running errands, and the line was almost all the way out the door! I said "Crap, I'm not waiting in that freaking line!". Then I get an email from your brother asking if I received his order, and of course I'm a nice guy (!!?) so I figured I'd somehow make it up to him. He asked about "Ink Complete" so I figured what the hell. That's the price you pay for having cool, patient fans!!

But it paid off! Well, kind of. Nearly every time I go to the post office, amidst all the fat, bald dudes waiting in line and the old ladies who are either wearing Ben Gay or way too much makeup and perfume, there's a hot chick waiting in line. Sure enough, some hot, tall, pretty young thing in a hot pink top was waiting in line today...


hahahahaha! :lol: better make sure your wife doesnt look at that post Ron, haha!

man, i can only imagine how mind blowing this stuff will be when i hear it. i would have bought the albums myself, but i dont have any money saved up and i make minimum wage. :Smug: and i didnt want to wait 'till my next paycheck to buy the CDs. so my bro bought it for me lol. thanks ahead of time for sending us both albums. and also, thanks for being the only musician i can think of who actually posts on the message board on their band's web site LOL.
here are some song titles:
computer hacker
legion of data
corrupted file
download (a continuation of upload)
num lock
press F1 for help
press any key
end task
control alt delete
connection manager
touch typing

and here are some potential album titles:
Ink Corruptible
Ink Concoction
Ink Colostomy (lol)
Ink Coronium (The principal gaseous substance forming the solar corona, characterized by a green line in the coronal spectrum). it may have nothing to do with computers, but the idea isn't bad.

and last but not least....INK CARTRIDGE!!! :headbang: