Who's got $1000 to lend me?

I can't help you with $$ to get there, but you can crash with me when you are there. That would save you some money maybe.
Who do you even want to see there? I just went the official web site, and I'm not sure who you'd be so stoked to see? It can't be just for Gamma Ray, they're playing NYC is a few months.

General Zod said:
Who do you even want to see there? I just went the official web site, and I'm not sure who you'd be so stoked to see? It can't be just for Gamma Ray, they're playing NYC is a few months.


You went to the Ragnarok UK site (fucking Brits, can't even come up with their own name). I can't even FIND a site for the German Ragnarok Festival.

But I can tell you it's featuring:

Nomans Land
Black Messiah
...and more

In other words, lots of bands who play the style I'm a fanboy for.
Gugs, I'll ahnd the $$$ over if a) I get twice as much back within 6 months b) you personally hire the mafia to take care of you if you don't pay me back and c) sign some kind of very legal contract binding you to all of this