who's the death-black vendor this year?


Sep 28, 2004
Boston MA
I didn't see a finalized vendor listing on the website (maybe I just wasn't looking at the right page). Did an extreme metal focused vendor get confirmed this year?
I reached out to several extreme/black/death metal vendors that had expressed interest in the past. All of them declined without even asking a table price.

If you know of one, send them my way.
Not sure if this is the proper thread to post this inquiry but here goes.....

In the contingent of extreme/black/death CDs that some of you good vendors will be bringing... will there also be CDs in the viking/pagan/folk category? I swear all these metal sub-genres are hard to keep up with! haha
i am sure between Jeremy, Ned's and myself we will have something for everyone honestly. if you have something specific i would definitely list or ask because who knows what might get left at home due to space restrictions in vans and cars. haha.