who's the naked girl..?

ohhh sorry magus, pet, chick, to come across like that, im just plain old confused
and you're not helping with your shit talking!
its way too easy to confuse me these days, what is going on?
where did that little speech come from anyways magus???
bender the offender said:
this is so deep. whats the point, girl? :OMG:

I was trying to give some consolation to your post cause it was sobbing. But that's how it goes with these posts, as soon as you try to be nice to them, they bite you, the little brats.
Maqus said:
Steven, you're still young and hopeful, you might as well consider sounding... erm... a bit nicer to the girls here? Or just those who dare to address you online. That may actually bring a new flavour to the whole board experience, think about it. I'm not being mean to you personally, I'm just thinking why all this extra amount of hostility towards women is lurking around here, and that it's actually not cool.

It's really something I don't understand, it wasn't like this before.

And to all the hostile posters who are just looking for faults, don't tell me to fuck off, that won't solve the problem, or won't get me any closer to the answer. Too many girls have left too anyway. And I still haven't given up to find some kind of an answer.

fuck off.
If you're mad, you shouldn't be aware of your own madness, otherwise you're just fake mad. How could I get the reference if I'm not genuinely mad?