heres the problem with the boy deserves death, how the fuck can you justify the punishment for rape as death, if you believe that, you might as well thing that for theft you get your hand removed, and if you commit adultery you have your penis/boobs cut off, the punishment is not fitting the crime at all. The only reason most of you are getting so worked up is because for some reason your beliefs have you to believe that rape is worse than murder, but you have to actaully set your bias aside and scale and weigh the actual amount of harm caused by rape and murder respectively.
Set away the bias and justify a reasonable punishment, and it becomes clear. The reality is, it is relatively common for teenage boys to sexually assault children for a small time frame, particularly in the boys that are social outcasts, not only do I know of women that have been victim of it, I have known boys which have done this (including my own family). Its one of those weird phases that they grow out of and aren't proud of, usually embarrassed and emotionally damaged themselves for having to live with the fact of what they did, like I said they are kids and don't fully grasps what is going on, then when they grow up and realize what they have done they regret it.
That does not mean to let them do it, if they are caught or admit to it, they need help and counseling because like I said its the outcasts/nerds that will do this, which means they are doing it due to the fact that they have emotional issues themselves. Although they usually grow out of it, its better to get them help faster so that they get better, the less the chances they will do it when they are older or have other mental illnesses develop from whatever is making them sexually assault smaller children.
If they continue to do this throughout their teenage years into adulthood, they need to be punished accordingly and they get whatever comes to them in prison, especially rape, which they will get when some inmate find out why they are in there. They may end up getting shanked, ass raped, and even killed, but everyone knows that is a possibility when you go to prison, so if you don't want to get punked in prison, follow the fucking laws.
Bottom line I am saying that murder is NOT the justification of rape EVER!!! The son should have gotten counseling and if he continued to do it juvenile correction, and now the father should get the death penalty.
After the son plead mental illness, and the father killed him, the father is now trying to pull the defense of mental illness to be charged with manslaughter (5-15 years), even thought it was premeditated. With that in mind anyone who believes that rape is punishable by death and murder is punishable by 5-15 years is prison is so ass backwards I don't get how you can function as a human being.