Why all the hate for THE SWORD??


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Their new disc is streaming on MY SPACE.....

Sure, nothing too original, but they do a GREAT job of capturing the late 70s epic/cult/trad/doom metal sound, ala Sabbath, Pentagram, Angel Witch, Pagan Altar, etc.....

This stuff is right up my alley!!!!

Do I need to grow a beard, get black rimmed glasses, and move to Wicker Park now????????? :lol:
I haven't really payed too much attention to them... although, it should be interesting to see how they fare when I see them in a few weeks, coming on right after Slough Feg.
Furthermore, if anyone cares, I just noticed that their new CD will be on sale this upcoming week at Best Buy for only $7.99.
(Eagerly awaits cheap Jew joke from youknowwho!)
I haven't really payed too much attention to them... although, it should be interesting to see how they fare when I see them in a few weeks, coming on right after Slough Feg.

Cool, that tour isn't coming near Chicago unfortunately.
I would def try to do my best to go if it did.

Slough Feg are great live.
Indeed they are.

Oh, I do have a bit of The Sword's material in the form of the second half of a split with Witchcraft. I'll have to put that on later.

Now Witchcraft, theres a band. :kickass:
I hate The Sword. Witchcraft is very good.

What do you hate about The Sword?
I am not trying to start an argument, as most people's opinion of this band is firmly planted.......

In all honesty, I would think you would like them Lee, knowing some of the bands you are into...

Is it the fact that they essentially came out of nowhere and got signed and got a lot of attention? Sure, maybe from a credibility standpoint, they are indeed lacking...
It seems like they're trying to be ironic and cute, so their hipster fans will think they're different.

From that angle, I guess I have to agree....
There are probably a lot of hipsters who like The Sword or even High on Fire, but wouldn't give the bands who truly influenced these bands the time of day.

Fair enough.....but does the whole hipster thing truly impact what you think of their music?
From that angle, I guess I have to agree....
There are probably a lot of hipsters who like The Sword or even High on Fire, but wouldn't give the bands who truly influenced these bands the time of day.

Fair enough.....but does the whole hipster thing truly impact what you think of their music?

Furthermore, if anyone cares, I just noticed that their new CD will be on sale this upcoming week at Best Buy for only $7.99.
(Eagerly awaits cheap Jew joke from youknowwho!)

I wish more bands sold their CDs for such reasonable prices. :kickass:

To the other point, I agree with the integrity issue. It all circles back to the "selling out" argument. If you sell out who are you in order to become famous, then you aren't the same.