Why all the OD pedals?


Jun 15, 2005
behind my guitar
I'm just wondering why so many of you use OD pedals like TS808s in front of your already super-high-gain amps? I see tons of posts about people slamming the front of Krankenstiens, 5150s, Triple Recs, Powerballs, and everything else and I think to myself "These guys must either be using minimal preamp gain and relying on the pedals for their crunch or they all just use rediculous amounts of distortion on everything!"

When I think of tube amps that need some push in front for metal, I think of plexis and JCM 800s, or maybe a Mesa Mk II or something. I play through a Splawn Pro Mod and when I think of an OD pedal in front of my heavy rhythm/lead channel it makes me want to hide in a corner. It seems like all of the amps people here are using are capable of more than enough tight, crushing distortion to play anything from Necrophagist and back.

I've got to be missing something. The recorded tones I hear on this forum are anything but uncontrolled, squeeling distortion-mania. In fact a lot of them are pretty pleasing to the ears. Please fill me in on how you guys are using OD pedals with your high-gain tube amps and why.

-Adam, the curious noob.
yes you are missing something.......

I got a krank, recto, 5150 and what i do is....

turn the gain on the pedal to like 2-3 and match the volume then adjust the tone to taste, this is all i do with my TS-9 & Mod

Leave the amps gain at like 5, it doesn't sound like there is more gain, it just sounds like you have more bite and clarity. possibly more saturation, if not a more dynamic saturation.
Any way, it just sounds awesome, great for leads and rhythm IMO
I use the tubesctreamer in front of my Dual Recto. It has loads of distortion, but the tubescreamers changes the character of the amp. Palmmuting is tighter and less flabby lows, it 'cleanes up' the sound.

I'm a 'less is more' guy, but the Recto just needs the TS for my type of playing.
For most guys, they tend to use the OD pedals to overdrive the signal a little more going into the front of the amp to help tighten up the sound. They set the gain either off on the pedal or on a minimal level and use it alongside the amp. It will reduce the lows slightly and push the mids a little more. Personally, I just plug straight into my Recto. I've tried OD's before, and I just enjoy the tone more without it.
Friday i did a gig with my band. While soundchecking we did a A/B check (over the PAsystem), with and without a TS on the recto. With TS the overal sound was better, guitars were much clearer, defined and in your face.
silverwulf said:
For most guys, they tend to use the OD pedals to overdrive the signal a little more going into the front of the amp to help tighten up the sound. They set the gain either off on the pedal or on a minimal level and use it alongside the amp. It will reduce the lows slightly and push the mids a little more.

That's exactly what I do with my SD-1. Level up all the way, gain at 0, tone at half. Tightens up my Mark IV a bit. If I'm using something lower gain, like an old Marshall, I'll crack the gain open a tiny bit. Newer Marshalls I don't bother with a boost at all.

I'm getting no drive at all from the pedal; it's essentially a clean boost + eq. For what it's worth, running a real OD set like that into a Pod XT is great. IMHO, it makes the Pod much more organic.
Great replies. I'm curious about trying this out with my Splawn, though I've never had any problem making it sound tight and defined.

What would you guys recommend trying in front of it? Maxon OD808 or Tube Screamer? Which model?
i have another way to get a better sound than a distortion pedal
and i find it better

in my recto's effects loop i put an equalizer with which you can or not it maybe not usefull boost the preamp before going into the power section so more gain comes and also a gate for sharp palm muting without loosing low end and finally put an aphex compressor in the loop it's amazing how it tightens the sound
I can understand using one with a Recto (or recto-type) amp - I've always thought that they could use some tightening up, especially in the low-end, but what about amps that are already pretty damn tight sounding, like a VHT or Engl? Does it have the same effect?