Why Andreas on bass, Johan on guitar?


Jul 9, 2008
Calgary Canada
Hey Andreas,

How come you chose bass when you have chops? Do you just like it or?

I find playing the guitar a paradox in that I have played electric off and on since 1987, but Ive never progressed tremendously and playing the electric guitar is relaxing. Playing keyboards and piano is much harder(at first) but I become much better much faster and for some reason playing the piano makes me feel extremely aggressive which makes me want to practice more(I think my wife wonders why I get bitchy after too much training-lol).

Why does Johan play guitar and not keyboard or?

Nice ascending chords on the intro to Welcome to Mercy Falls and nice bass lead with Johan playing power chords before Tom begins singing on that song as well.

Get the word out about your band!!!!

(one of the things that bothers me the most today is that you guys werent around in the mid 1980's because I bet you would be world famous. It is what it is, but please promote the band more)
Hey Andreas,

How come you chose bass when you have chops? Do you just like it or?

I don't mean to answer for Andreas, but...
Why shouldn't a bassist have chops? Bass has a completely different feel and timbre to guitar, and that alone is enough reason to play it instead of guitar. A bass player with good "chops", or technical proficiency, is still a bass player. There really isn't any reason why a bassist shouldn't have an equally melodic role as a guitarist, (this is partly why I listen to SW), especially as ERB's become more common.
Yes! It's very refreshing to hear a bass line that isn't always root notes! Andreas excells in this area; others who also do include Mike Lepond (Symphony X) and Franck Hermanny (Adagio).

Man, Mike Lepond's right hand is fierce.

Every guy in the band probably chose their instrument because they like playing it, that's what everybody who plays an instrument does (save those knobends that only play an instrument to get chicks).

Not everyone who plays an instrument plays one because they want to. I would rather play electric guitar than keyboards, but for the time I invest, while Im very good and can play lead along with albums, I dont see where I am headed and dont come up with new ideas. If I did, I would be the next Yngwie.:loco: I certainly have the physical capability for those chops, but the memory skills and ideas are well, sorely lacking. Hence I am not a professional musician, but instead work in a hospital as a tech.

I find playing keyboards to be initially more challenging, but every time I sit down to practice, I get better, and consequently I know what to do next. I dont find that on the guitar, at all, even though I have played since 1987.

You mention that musicians get women. That's an irony. To be successful as a musician requires the ultimate in patience, probably more than required of a surgeon. The patience to hit the notes correctly, in timing, and the patience to allow yourself the downtime to remember everything you have done. Women for the most part are a distraction, and I imagine this is even more so for musicians. I believe the only way a professional musician could have a relationship is to discipline themselves emotionally in the correct way so that the music is separate from the relations. It is complicated and difficult to do, especially considering that many women are extremely tiresome and boring, except for the physical relations. Im not sure how the women are in Sweden, I hear they do more of the work in pursuing the guys, which frees the musician up from having to deal with all the pursuit work.:lol:
Anyway, to be into music for females is ridiculous. You can get females without the music need. I think focusing on the music alone without the females is better anyway.:headbang:
Musicians always get the girls. The difference is however that it's usually the shitty trendy artists that play a few chords and get all the girls, as opposed to writing actual music and sacrificing a quick root for a perfect riff.

Not everyone who plays an instrument plays one because they want to. I would rather play electric guitar than keyboards, but for the time I invest, while Im very good and can play lead along with albums, I dont see where I am headed and dont come up with new ideas. If I did, I would be the next Yngwie.:loco: I certainly have the physical capability for those chops, but the memory skills and ideas are well, sorely lacking. Hence I am not a professional musician, but instead work in a hospital as a tech.

I find playing keyboards to be initially more challenging, but every time I sit down to practice, I get better, and consequently I know what to do next. I dont find that on the guitar, at all, even though I have played since 1987.

Suit yourself. I don't understand why you'd rather play guitar, yet you don't.
I just don't see the purpose of doing ANYTHING in life that you don't want to do. I personally play bass because I want to: I like the full, round sound of the bass a lot more than the screeching, earpiercing sounds of a guitar, and I like the feel of the strings on my fingers that allow me to shape the tone as I want a lot more than the very cold and sterile keys on a piano. (that being said, I do play both guitar and keyboard as well, but I prefer playing bass, especially in a band setting)
Just because you don't like certain things doesn't mean no one else does.
Why playing guitar when you can do the same on bass?

And YES! Bass players are hard to find, so less competition. In my region bands are begging for bass guitar players.... :p
Being the silent bass player in the band is the coolest.. therefor I am a guitarist, haha! :rofl:
But I look up to good bass players as hell, like Mr. BLOMKVIST!
and also being some <input instrument>-ist except for the guitarist do have more grownup forums :rofl: in all guitar forums everyone says they are the best and refuse to post a video on themselves, haha! therefor I HATE guitar forums-.- haha!
I personally play bass because I want to: I like the full, round sound of the bass a lot more than the screeching, earpiercing sounds of a guitar, and I like the feel of the strings on my fingers that allow me to shape the tone as I want a lot more than the very cold and sterile keys on a piano. (that being said, I do play both guitar and keyboard as well, but I prefer playing bass

This post is full of epic win.