Why are we alive?

kayo dot was my bedtime music last night
I always listen to something on headphones in the dark
I must say it was a good choice, it needs that sort of attention

the only swans I have is a cassette I found in a sale for 20p
it has a rabbit holding a carrot on the front
something to do with 'light' in the title

I thought it was good, a bit goth maybe, but never got round to getting any more
the jarboe sacrificial cake album has perked up my interest again
must get some
White Light From the Mouth of Infinity, that tape is probably worth some $$$.

Kayo Dot makes excellent sleepy time music, particular the endings of Marathon and The Antique.
Oh yeah, it's awesome. I'm on the hunt for the CD now, just paid $26 for it's companion album, Love of Life



Then there's the twin gatefold LP set, I haven't seen what it looks like though.
Ebay.com and half.com are the cheapest it seems. That and the various re-releases, but not everything has gotten that treatment. If you want some CD-Rs let me know, because Scald kicks ass and I owe you one. :loco:
Just PM me your address whenever, and I hope the good news is the gatefold album will be released soon. :kickass:

Filth is fucked up, you'll love it. :D
Anyone that has heard Filth knows exactly what you are talking about.

Also I think World of Skin is becoming my favorite Swans album, even though I guess technically it isn't Swans.
Bump because Swans are quite possibly the greatest band in HISTORY, man.

I'm really diggin' Soundtracks for the Blind lately, even without a bunch of Gira vocals (my favorite aspect of the group) this is still some amazing shit.

I need to get that Cop/Young God/Greed/Holy Money thingy, and I still only have illegal CD-R copies of Filth, the s/t EP, and White Light From the Mouth of Infinity. Not that it really matters to get the originals I suppose, but it just feels good to have them.

I wish this thread was about what the title said because it would lead to another huge stupid argument of rullingness.