Why Cant Mexicans cross the border?


Chief Conti
Jan 21, 2006
I was just thinking, Why is mexicans crossing the border so bad that we have to make it illegal? This may sound stupid but anyone know.
yea, it is a slap in the face to people who got citizenship the real way, it takes jobs away, they riase crime rates, the can be smuglling wepons it, the are just no good!
War_Blade said:
yea, it is a slap in the face to people who got citizenship the real way, it takes jobs away, they riase crime rates, the can be smuglling wepons it, the are just no good!
isnt that kinda racist though? It sounds like a slap to the face of decent mexicans to me. Saying yuou cant come in our country cause you smuggle stuff,steal stuff and smell bad.
bodom-bro said:
isnt that kinda racist though? It sounds like a slap to the face of decent mexicans to me. Saying yuou cant come in our country cause you smuggle stuff,steal stuff and smell bad.
if they were decent mexican's they would go through the process of gaining citizenship instead of breaking the law.
Every wave of immigration into the United States has faced fear and hostility, especially during times of economic hardship, political turmoil, or war:

* in 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, one of our nation's first immigration laws, to keep out all people of Chinese origin
* during the "Red Scare" of the 1920s, thousands of foreign-born people suspected of political radicalism were arrested and brutalized; many were deported without a hearing.
* in 1942, 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent were interned in camps until the end of World War II.

It is true that the Constitution does not give foreigners the right to enter the U.S. But once here, it protects them from discrimination based on race and national origin and from arbitrary treatment by the government. Immigrants work and pay taxes; legal immigrants are subject to the military draft. Many immigrants have lived in this country for decades, married U.S. citizens, and raised their U.S.-citizen children. Laws that punish them violate their fundamental right to fair and equal treatment.