why circle of the tyrant??!!


GB drummer extraordinaire
Feb 29, 2004
Anyone know why opeth put circle of the tyrant on an otherwise amazing album?
It's a cover of Celtic Frost, who are supposed to be an amazingly influencial band, though I've never really gotten into them. I have a couple of albums, Morbid Tales-The Emperor's Return, and maybe one other.

You actually thought this was an Opeth song? *shakes head*
Its not part of the album. Its a "bonus" track put on by the basterds at the record label hoping to trick old fans into rebuying the album. I hate that shit cuz 1)Its wrong to take advantage of fans (and yes I know Opeth had nothing to do with it) 2)The "bonus" tracks ruin the flows of albums, they should at least put like ten seconds of silence between the final track and the bonus...
What's especially dumb is that they put bonus tracks on a Prologue-Epilogue album.

But hey, I have one without bonus tracks so HA.
Only one I have with the "bonus" track is Orchid, its lame to have to hear that song after the perfect ending of TAIT, as for the actual song of Tyrants, its pretty decent, but nothing that good.
I've heard both versions, and i think opeths version sounded better. i know you prob. think i'm saying that just cuz i'm an opeth fan, but the sound quality and the way they play the intro on a piano instead of the original distorted guitar sounded great.
I have not yet bought any of the re-released albums, but I would like to have the songs on CD. What they really need to do is come out with a CD that has thier covers, & bonus track all on one...but that's too perfect I guess.:erk:
for that one guys who was wondering.. its for the my arms your hearse