Why do girls feel the need to take their tops off?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
What is it about 'metal' that makes girls wanna lift up their tops and show off their puppies to the crowd? When did this all start - back in the days of Motley Crue perhaps?

I even saw one girl do it at a MEGADETH show, so it wasn't just the sleazy rock band types.

Also, has anyone seen these "Girls Gone Wild" videos? You know the guy who started this just a couple of years ago is already worth $50m and has his own private Leer Jet? Why? Because he films girls lifting up their tops FOR FREE, and then he sells the video for $10. It's almost pure profit. He is minting $$.

Good thing? Bad thing? Discuss. There has to be an answer to this burdern of concern I carry upon my shoulders.

Black Winter Day said:
i hate sluts and whorish behavior...
That statement, combined with the image you choose to use in your signature, is just a tad frightening. Why you "hate it", when a woman expresses her sexuality, is beyond me.

There's no such thing as a "slut" or a "whore". Some woman merely qualify as "exceptionally friendly".

As for the original question, I'm not sure why woman take their tops off. Since I have a personal philosophy of never looking a gift horse in the mouth, I don't question why they choose to do it, I'm just thankful that they do.

General Zod said:
That statement, combined with the image you choose to use in your signature, is just a tad frightening. Why you "hate it", when a woman expresses her sexuality, is beyond me.

There's no such thing as a "slut" or a "whore". Some woman merely qualify as "exceptionally friendly".
i'm sorry, i just don't like girls who are promiscuous (if i was a girl i would feel the same way about guys). what is 'beyond me' is why girls feel the need to "express their sexuality" at concerts. . . i mean, i don't whip my dick out in public if i happen to be horny. there is just something about decency in sexual matters. . . that seems right to me.

so you think it is a good idea for girls and guys to "express their sexuality" by having uncontrolled sex with multiple partners? to have sex with a different person each week? to get pregnant? to get aids and DIE?

and what in the hell does a darkthrone cd have to do with my disdain for sexual promiscuity???
General Zod said:
That statement, combined with the image you choose to use in your signature, is just a tad frightening. Why you "hate it", when a woman expresses her sexuality, is beyond me.

I have to laugh when women complain about male chauvenism and being exploited and god knows what else...in my experience it's the same girls who...well, get their tits out and are slags! :D

Also, has anyone seen these "Girls Gone Wild" videos? You know the guy who started this just a couple of years ago is already worth $50m and has his own private Leer Jet? Why? Because he films girls lifting up their tops FOR FREE, and then he sells the video for $10. It's almost pure profit. He is minting $$.
That dude got arrested for filming underage bitches, haha. Not sure if he was ever prosecuted though.
General Zod said:
I'm not sure why woman take their tops off. Since I have a personal philosophy of never looking a gift horse in the mouth, I don't question why they choose to do it, I'm just thankful that they do.
It's a beautiful thing, the naked female form. I don't have any issues with chicks wanting to flash their goods. GZ - I think we should conduct an experiment by wandering the streets of Manhattan on a Saturday night with a camera in hand and see what kind of results we get. Purely for scientific reasons of course. :cool:

I guess I'm just curious as to why chicks do it in the first place?
If it's alcohol to lower the inhibitions, as some of you suggest, then this implies they have a desire to do it even when sober - but it's the alcohol that actually lets them 'go for it'.

Also, heavy metal music acts like some kind of drug too. I bet most of those girls who flash at rock concerts aren't really all that drunk (if at all). It's just that they see themselves on those big screens, and they know everyone is watching, so they automatically lift up their tops!

Also, notice how when one does it, and then several follow? Weird.
JayKeeley said:
I can sing and dance at Barmitzvah's, only charge $10 and the bit about getting my wedding tackle out after a few beers...well that's complimentary.

I think it is truly wonderfull that woman expose their 'teets of love' for everyone around. To discuss why these wild creatures expose themselves is on a par with why don't all women swallow - it's an endless mass-debate!

I love a good pair of tits sway in the wind. The only time that I feel like puking is when some fat bird feels she needs to show us the inside of her floppy 'G' cup.

this is the greatest thing ever.
Yeah, who does those cartoons again? I always forget but they are hilarious.

Holy shit neal, you're listening to FSOL, you really DO kick ass! :)
thats what ive been trying to tell you all along haha. but yeh, i very much enjoy my ambient techno. amon tobin, orbital, fsol, and the orb are my favorites. i got some paul oakenfold stuff too thats pretty dope, but he's got a lot of dancy shit too.
I saw Paul Oakenfold live once and it sucked ass, but I like the Orb.

Have you heard Antimatter? Somewhat similar to FSOL.
To answer the original question, because Pink Floyd kicks ass:


I must admit, this is one of the great pictures I have ever seen, it is now my desktop.