why do i keep recording pop bands? anyway check this mix outttt!!!!!!!!!!!

sounds awesome. very polished as stated earlier, maybe even to the point of it being a bit sterile. some creative automation could fix this, breath some dynamics back into the mix.

what mic and pre do you use for vocals?

pod xt im assuming?
mix sounds ace... tone is great. Reminds me of Cute is what we aim for

the electronic bit in the end is a tad loud...
change that damn crash sound to sound less "programmed"
the drums just seem too simple, comparing it to all american rejects and Mae and Anberlin, they can do with some intuitive programming.

if you want, you can send me the MIDI track and i'll help you out. :)
Really nice mix. I like the song, too! The other guys basically voiced the same complaints that I have, so here is some constructivism:

a) use a preset on the piano that has a "soft" sound (like on TheGrand VST, there is a preset with a soft attack) and then lower and vary the velocity a bit. That will give you a much nicer, more realistic piano sound.

b) sincethefailing is right on the drums, especially crash and hihat give it away - use variable velocity and nudge the hits a bit. DFHS has at least 2 different chocked cymbals (and you can program any cymbal into a choke by using the fade function) - so use these.

c) the electro beats are pretty horrible ... try Stylus RMX or if you want I can make you a nicer beat.

Hope this helps! Always remember: we are a bunch of engineer/producer-types who try to push a 95% into a 100%. If this was played on the radio while driving to our girlfriends, none of us would probably find any fault!