Why do people hate/dislike Gojira?

There's no real sludge influence in their sound. They sound like a mixture of Meshuggah and Lamb Of God, and somehow the mixture of those two is even more boring.
Gojira is not a terrible band. They have energy, power and sonic thrust. Several songs are good. That said, the reason why most serious metal (music) freaks don't rate them highly is their musicianship. They are quite primitive, always staying on the beat and time. There are virtually only the most primitive changes, and a chronic inability to double-time. They're basically one and two chord wonders. And very predictable. The boy-band choruses can be annoying. Plus, there are only rare melodic interludes giving song structure a undeveloped feel. The incessant guitar "squeals', always in the perfect place, become unexciting. Finally, since I have an intrinsic dislike for electronica, this minor element in their sound leaves me cold.
Gojira is not a terrible band. They have energy, power and sonic thrust. Several songs are good. That said, the reason why most serious metal (music) freaks don't rate them highly is their musicianship. They are quite primitive, always staying on the beat and time. There are virtually only the most primitive changes, and a chronic inability to double-time. They're basically one and two chord wonders. And very predictable. The boy-band choruses can be annoying. Plus, there are only rare melodic interludes giving song structure a undeveloped feel. The incessant guitar "squeals', always in the perfect place, become unexciting. Finally, since I have an intrinsic dislike for electronica, this minor element in their sound leaves me cold.
How was their latest? Loved FMtS and liked The Link, but TWoAF was kindly junky. Also their first album is impossible to find. I'd like to see reissue.
Why do you think so? It's because they're little bit more famous than underground DM bands?

From Mars to Sirius and their first album are the shit, really worth listening.

Regardless of his incoming bullshit answer, you're correct in your assumption.

Still think of them more of a sludge band than death metal.
Saw them open for Metallica and they fucking sucked. Monotonous boring band, Metallica should have had anyone else open for them

Bad opinion. If I remember correctly, they opened for Metallica around 2010-2012 (Sonisphere Festival perchance?) and they did very well despite not being known at all back then. Nowadays they are one of the better known live acts in metal and are set to headline festivals. Incredibly enjoyable and neat live band. Their newest album and the previous one are not their best ones, but their 00s material is untouchable.

I'm bemused to see such an opinion from you knowing your penchant for technical bands. Check out their 2008's masterpiece The Way of All Flesh and the scales will fall from your eyes.
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Bad opinion. If I remember correctly, they opened for Metallica around 2010-2012 (Sonisphere Festival perchance?) and they did very well despite not being known at all back then. Nowadays they are one of the better known live acts in metal and are set to headline festivals. Incredibly enjoyable and neat live band. Their newest album and the previous one are not their best ones, but their 00s material is untouchable.

I'm bemused to see such an opinion from you knowing your penchant for technical bands. Check out their 2008's masterpiece The Way of All Flesh and the scales will fall from your eyes.

as a classically trained musician that does nothing for me. I like melody, harmony. Their drummer is alright and that's about all I can say about them, there's some rhythmic interest. The vocals and guitars suck ass. They sound like a nu metal band trying to be xtrem
I saw Gojira in 2017 on a whim because they were in town at a smaller venue, and I had nothing else to do that night. Wasn't really too familiar with them at that point, but after the show, I spent the next few days listening to every goddamn thing they've ever put out. They blew the roof off the place and I was in awe. They've quickly become one of my favorite bands in the alternative metal world right now. While they do have some unexciting and samey stuff here and there (their new album is not at all my cup of tea other than like 2 songs), I think they're an exciting and respectable band that deserves the popularity that they have garnered. I think they act as a solid accessible gateway band into the world of modern metal. While I could see the argument that they might be overrated and get too much praise (not at all my opinion but I can respect it), I don't really agree with the argument that they are not criticized enough. If people aren't criticizing it, then they probably don't have a problem with it. But anyway, just my two cents. This is my first post on the forum, so I'm excited to be a part of the discussion :D
I have no love or hate for Gojira. They got some good tunes, but overall not a whole lot does it for me. They got some cool bands they've inspired though, like Car Bomb and Sylosis.

To me they just sound like a vand trying to re-write Chaos A.D. but really liked Morbid Angel and Meshuggah; at least back then. Nowadays they are straight up garbo. There is nothing of substance for me in their new stuff.
Sylosis inspired by Gojira? Sylosis was a Metalcore act in the early years (Their first couple records sound like early Trivium) who transitioned to their own sound which is a lot better than Gojiras. I don't think they were inspired by Gojira at all. I don't hear it but its interesting you say that.

I'd say Dormant Heart onward was, maybe not rhythmically inspired my Gojira, but the atmosphere and a lot of dominant use of inverted power chords and melodic screamed vocals.

I'm not saying its a blatant ripoff of Gojira, but in the newer songs since then I've heard I get a similar vibe.
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