Why do people hate the Darkness so much?


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
I'm wondering this again after reading Iann Robinson's Rewind at Metal Sludge the other day. Here's what he said:

Iann Robinson said:
fuck them and their ironic rock. I know, we'll wear silly costumes and sing in an over the top falsetto, that'll be funny and ironic-blow me. That may be what rock n roll means to the indie kids that embrace Spin Magazine and The Strokes, but it ain't real rock.
First of all, our mate Iann needs to learn the definition of "ironic". Can one be ironic on purpose, or is it something that happens unintentionally? I go with the latter.

Second of all, why do people seem to think they're just a joke band? I've read many, many major rock stars slam the band without really giving a proper reason. Can it simply be because of Justin's voice and silly costumes? Surely not.

This troubles me.

His entire Rewind can be read at http://www.metal-sludge.com/RewindIannRobinson.htm if anyone's interested.
i find them really really annoying... i don't like their music, and they piss me off!
good songs, good musicians, good fun. I like them so im with you Spiff. fuck you playa haterz
I think im more disturbed by this comment:

The White Stripes - "Elephant" = 4, Jack White is a great guitar player but he needs to get over the whole novelty act thing. As of now, they are the great rock n roll swindle.

He bags The Darkness yet he goes and says Jack White is a great guitar player?!??!?! What the fuck?!!??!
I don't mind them, but Justin's voice gets very annoying very fast. Ditch the falsetto and just sing in your normal voice, dammit! :mad:

Unless of course that is his normal voice, in which case he should probably be called Justine.

Wrathchild said:
I don't mind them, but Justin's voice gets very annoying very fast. Ditch the falsetto and just sing in your normal voice, dammit! :mad:
My thoughts exactly.

The falsetto and strange look is what makes them popular to idiots and the radio, and without it they'd be forever obscure and broke - yet remain a good band with some great songs.

Unfortunately I can hardly listen to them as they are.
I like 'em. I can understand why his voice would shit some people, but I reckon they're a good band. Perhaps people would rather they played nu-metal or whatever the latest trend is, rather than something like the music they grew up with. They're not 22!
I really like the riff to Black Shuck, its so awesome :headbang:

His voice really does get annoying. I cant listen to Growing On Me now after I found out its a song about genital warts. They make me laugh with their video clips and his helium voice. That sums up my feelings on The Darkness.