Why do most metal-heads hate the more popular decent hard rock bands ?

they dislike it cause they're elitist morons who possibly couldn't like anything mainstream cause it's not liek kewl to listen to preppy mainstream shite you know.


the music is bad and doesn't please their ears.

i vote for the latter.

i like many mainstream rock bands, though, and i think that since they sell so many cd's they can't be UTTER crap. and when i listen to them i realize they aren't. i like most of the stuff i hear in the radio. yes, they play lots of pop.
FauxPerspicacity said:
Indeed. Why do all these bands complain about teenage problems when they are usually in their 30's? Because that's who they are MARKETING to. Music SHOULDN'T be a business, but for the mass it is. I don't know if such bands are just immature people, but I bet a lot of them think it will sell better if they whine about teenage problems.

Relationships, Girls, and Partying has nothing to do with age. Every age group has problems with girls. Every age group partys. Has nothing to do with immaturity, I know 40 and 50 year olds that still go to clubs and party, I know people in their 50s' and 60's that have relationship problems. These are not just teenage problems man, they are everyones problems, whe you're 45 and don't have a wife you too will have to deal with dating/relationships and whatever comes with it.
I'm not being an asshole just pionting out the obviouse. later-RJAIII-
the reason most metal heads hate anything popular
is because most metal heads are stupid.
There - I said it! That's why you often see metal heads
being racist or homophobic or doing something blatantly
stupid at a show which causes the show to be stopped
or interrupted, and which also makes it harder to book
metal shows at that venue. But, the other part is, there are
many extremely intelligent metal heads who are excellent
human beings and who are open minded enough to not call
you gay for liking something popular, even if they dislike
the band in question. The sad thing is that the asshole
metal head gets more attention because they draw attention
to themselves by being assholes - and thus people get the
typical negative stereotype of a metalhead. Also I guess
nobody wants to read an article in a magazine that says
"So and So of Such and Such band turns out to be a regular
human being, just as boring as the rest of us" or something.
I know what you mean, I was at a Pantera concert 2000 and some stupid asses lit their shirts on fire and started swinging them around and almost hit me, the shirt flew right across my face and almost hit my best friend.
Why does every metal head think they have to act like badasses all the time?
Talking about intelligent metal heads, Peter Steele is one of the most intelligent, that dude is smart as hell.
I like what I like, and I don't give a fuck, is it metal or not. I like some songs of Nickelback, and I listen to them, and some songs are real shit - i forget about them. Shit, I even like Placebo "Special Needs"! And what about lyrics...FUCK THEM. Songs are not sermons.
I appreciate the replies. I listen to more than metal, but very few "popular bands" because most simply don't appeal to me, but once in a while I find one that's pretty good to my ears and I am proud of my particular tastes, even when it involves a popular band.
The last thing I want to do is tell people to go out and buy the last Fuel release etc. because it simply isn't going to appeal to most metal-heads, but my intentions of this post is to keep your ear out even for popular bands. The old saying goes "even a blind squirrel finds a nut" or something like that....... More often than not, a "popular band" is going to play with a certain formula that most of us won't care for, but occasionally a good hard rock band makes the airwaves and has good music to jam to.
I think it is our responsibility to help get the heavier bands get played on the radio in order to help start another metal revolution. The hair metal bands made metal more popular in the 80's. Maybe some of these harder rock bands can start a trend toward a new metal revolution.


Bryant said:
Why is it so many people hate Nickelback and Fuel when they are pretty hard rocking bands and both play what they want to ?
If you like those bands, good for you...if you're happy listening to them, why should I detract from that happiness? I think Nickelback is extremely shallow, their songs are completely predictable and rely on overused hooks and rhythms, and most of their songs sound alike. There's room for lyrical brilliance in relation to Chad Kroeger's abusive father, but instead the band degrades women (I like your pants around your feet/and I like the dirt that's on your knees/I like the way you still say please/while your looking up at me)

I do, however, listen to Shinedown, Hoobastank, Streetlight Manifesto (ska) and Audioslave.
I have liked songs I have heard on the radio. I haven't heard any nickelbag or fuel that I like. I mean Candlebox has a couple good songs and so does Collective Soul but they just have to sound good to my ears.
im not really a metal head but i love metal Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, As I lay Dying, Children of Bodom, Kalmah, Old Mans Child, Cannibal Corpse. but i like a lot of other shit too like hardcore, old schoo punk (not that new pop shit that keeps getting released), and various other sub genres of that music (screamo, metalcore, grind core, thrash metal, etc, etc, etc).

frankly a couple of people had it right, i just hate popular rock bands because its like they all sund the same and their lyrics are pure trash. i dont want to hear another jnco wearing, black t-shirt with lame sayings (i used to be a schitso but we are ok now) singing about their "terrible lives" because mommy didnt hug them enough. it just seems like all they care about is making money and could care less if they follow the next trend set by radio. i like a few, FEW, bands that do get radio play (afi, andrew w.k.) but for the most part its all the same to me.
I haven't heard Nickelback or Fuel; however, I do like quite a few Britney Spears songs. I have to take issue with the contention in an above post that without "marketing", it's next to impossible to hear new music. In addition to the pop crap that I listen to as a (not so) guilty pleasure, I go out of my way to listen to music that will never, ever be touched by the mainstream. There's plenty of excellent bands that will never make it out of their hometown scenes, and what with this internet thing and all, it's really not that hard to track bands like that down anymore. Anyway. As far as the actual topic goes, I'd rather listen to pop that doesn't have pretensions of being anything more than that than so-called "serious bands".