Who do you hate and why...

Adam90125 said:
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is hardcore? :erk:

Hard core is a mix of punk and nu metal i geuse you can say.

Stuff like Hate Bread and Stomping Ground

the worst type of music around.

And the kids who listen to it go to metal shows with x's ductaped on there hands and forheads and do spin kicks at each other.

Its quite funny watching these idiots, and is even more funny how they think they belong in the metal scene :rolleyes:
id say stampin' ground is more hardcore/thrash, they're way more credible than shite like hatebreed, earth crisis, blood for blood etc...
Yeah hardcore is a fusion of punk and metal, earliest bands were basically heavy punk like sick of it all, black flag, minor threat etc... and then it started to get more metally with as i said, bands like hatebreed and so on....Now there's just countless sub-genres withhin the punk scene, like metal really
Guardian of Darkness said:
I can understand somebody hating generic black metal with no melody, but ALL black metal? If you stay clear of any band that has black metal influence, you're missing out on a lot of wonderful music.
The bands I've heard like Tsjuder I didnt like, but I;m only looking from an outside veiw
iAMtheblackwizards said:
Aside from nu-metal, i also dispise metal core, its just as bad in my opinion. Metal core can be either boring bands that are all breakdowns for the sake of having kickboxing parts, to those whiney emo guys that play a couple at the gates ripoff riffs here and there, then whine about their girlfriends (note, not sing, but whine). A lot of kids around here are emo fans, including a ton of my friends, and they automatically claim i dont like bands that sing beacuse i hate these emo-metal-core crap whatever you want to call them bands. If i dont like singing i wouldnt listen to stuff like Dream Theater now would i ;) . Yeah i hate ignorant people about metal too.

Oh man you probably live right near me. I hate that emo shit with such a passion. Metal core is *just ok* if done properly...I can think of a few bands that do it damn well. But oh well, to each his own I guess. And I hate hate hate hate nu metal too...if you can even call it metal. All my friends listen to that shit...and then they try to tell me that I'm closed minded. Yeah, I'm closed minded because I hate Korn, Dope, Slipknot, and whatever other shit band name you insert here, but I listen to so many different kinds of music I don't really understand where they get off calling me closed minded. Oh well. I try to tell them that they aren't listening to real metal but they don't want to listen to me. They are just content with calling me "prog snob," because Dream Theater is my favorite band.
"Br00tal" death metal..like Internal Bleeding and shit of that sort. Anything that stupid ape-like mosh dorks listen to.

Power metal

Linkin Park-they are like emo/metal/rap music...and not only does their music bother me but their videos too. They use that "WHEN I GET TO THE CHORUS AND SCREAM LIKE A BITCH!" camera shake effect.
The Hammer said:
I hate all those nu-metal bands.THAT'S NOT METAL AT ALL!
Too many persons think that metal is Slipknot,Lionkin Park and so on...
but they are wrong and it's my war to tell them the holy truth!
fuck yes!, Most or almost everyone at school says metal is just noise, I told this dude that I liked heavy metal and he said he didn't because of bands like static x and slipknot, I was like what the fuck!?