Why do people hate the Darkness so much?

I reckon they rule. They went off at the big day out. I hope they do there own tour of oz soon.
I like his voice and vocal melodies over the AC/DC like riff-rock guitars.

I think they're one of the best modern-day bands that I've heard.
dreamwatch said:
The Darkness suck.

The White Stripes rock.
well, you're half right.

Cyberman said:
They're okay, But I think they would be bettter off, As an underground act?
how on earth could anyone be better off as an underground act, than being a reasonably well known band getting airplay and selling plently of records?

ceydn said:
I think they're one of the best modern-day bands that I've heard.
but they sound like they're from 15 - 20 years ago. Music has come a long way since then. Even if you just look at popular bands (and not obscure prog / metal virtuousos) rock musicianship and songwriting has evolved into something a lot better than it was back then. Generally speaking at least.

Still you're entitled to your opinion no matter off far off the mark it is ;) :P
TinMan666 said:
but they sound like they're from 15 - 20 years ago. Music has come a long way since then. Even if you just look at popular bands (and not obscure prog / metal virtuousos) rock musicianship and songwriting has evolved into something a lot better than it was back then. Generally speaking at least.

TinMan666 said:
but they sound like they're from 15 - 20 years ago.

that's why they're one of the best modern-day bands.

I can't stand today's music it annoys the piss out of me.

Bands like Nickelback, Creed, Matchbox 20... I don't find their song-writing more mature or better or whatever than what rock was 15 - 20 years ago.

I find the Darkness better in every aspect.
Any band that re educates the masses to the joys of old school rock/metal has to be a good thing
BECAUSE they are funny. Queen were sort of funny, but I think they still sort of took themselves seriously. I do not find AC/DC funny.

The only time I have ever been reminded by the Darkness of either of those 2 bands is in the opening riff of Black Shuck. Please tell me a band that has never in its lifetime made a riff that ever sounded like another band.

I don't care if they don't have poncy artistic integrity, they are meant to be a piss take on the glorified rock bands of yesteryear and they are more fun to listen to than any other other band I have heard in a long time.
Fuk its just music why does there have to a be a serious aspect to it ..........darkness Rock ...... so they are a bit date ...........but as they say " Every Thing is old is new again " ... How can yoy not llike a band whoi wears the classic black Thin LIZZY t-shirts............