Why do Tranquillians hate Kimberly Goss so?


Oct 14, 2005
Faculty of Science
I remember the day i bought "Beware the heavens". At the time power metal didn't bore me as much as it does today, and i'd never heard a female-fronted power metal band before. Then i heard their other two albums and became very disappointed with the band.

Anyway, let's get to the point. I've read about several of you hating Kimberly Goss fiercely. Sure, Sinergy have gotten worse and worse over the years ("To Hell and back" and "Suicide by my side" were terrible, and i don't even want to think how bad "Sins of the past" will be if the band continues going in the direction they've taken) and power metal is quite boring (at least some of us seem to think so), but are those reasons enough to actually hate Goss?
after an embarrassing incident a few years ago, i met kimberly goss at a club in finland, and we got along just fine. she's nice. and i even kinda sorta like suicide by my side, to be honest.
Heheh, oh yeah, I remember that thread. I guess "hate" is too strong of a word. More like "concerned." :D
Well, their music is ok in the same way that Children Of Bodom's music is ok. It just seems like Goss is not the easiest person to get along with. But for me, there's no hate, I don't bother with hating the members of a band who I don't know personally.
Hell, I even have a Suicide By My Side poster on my wall, if only because I've been too lazy/uncaring about it to take it off.
I don´t hate her. But when you seen her on stage, you might have noticed that she could be quite bossy towards both the audience and the band members. She also once picked a fight with the security when they wouldn´t let people in the space between barrier and stage, because the security needed that space for actually working and rescueing people out of the pit. The security won, not without a lot of comments by Kimberly who could have played an entire song in that time.
On the other hand, she´s very fan friendly, I like her voice and her songs, and you just have to have respect for someone who leaves her homecountry and makes a whole new existence for herself abroad. Last year I saw them again at a festival, and I could notice that she wasn´t as extreme anymore as she used to be. She started learning Finnish, could make some jokes about her beginner´s errors in this language and was a bit more natural with the band and the audience, and it was well responded.

PS: did you took that "hate" from the old thread I linked? But then you have seen that those were responses to something that was found at the Sinergy-Board against DT-board? Then of course everyone wants to play cool and write some evil descriptions towards the rivals ;)
well my only relation to Sinergy is that they played with DT on their DD-tour.
nice gig but not my music.the only interesting thing on this gig was alexi laiho played there guitar.
anyway I dont know why some people would hate her for any reasons...perhaps alexi for ruining COB´s music into some kind of boring neotrash-metal with keyboards for the slipknotkiddies :yuk:
fireangel said:
and you just have to have respect for someone who leaves her homecountry and makes a whole new existence for herself abroad.

umm, no? it's not that rare or special a thing, and it most definitely shouldn't count as a reason to like her as a musician imo

anyway, i don't like her music, her onstage personna, or her voice, but this doesn't mean i hate her. just that musically, she doesn't do it for me. i'm sure she's a nice and interesting person and all that, and there are tons of people who love her stuff, so, to each his own
Hitori said:
umm, no? it's not that rare or special a thing

yeah, leaving your country is neither that big a deal nor a reason for automatic respect. it's a popular choice for criminals wanted by the police, for instance. and i'm not sure i feel too much for their strife.
rahvin said:
yeah, leaving your country is neither that big a deal nor a reason for automatic respect. it's a popular choice for criminals wanted by the police, for instance. and i'm not sure i feel too much for their strife.
or for lovestruck young people. :lol: Refers to some people I know. :p
Hitori said:
umm, no? it's not that rare or special a thing, and it most definitely shouldn't count as a reason to like her as a musician imo

I have not made any connection that this would make the music/musician be liked more. I said "respect for the person". I do like the music, too, but I didn´t connect those two things.

Besides, nope, it is common but it´s not like whole majorities of countries´populations move abroad or anything (maybe with the few exceptions of populations like the Chinese, but which include later generations, too, not only the actual emigrants). It is a huge amount of people, but a minority compared to those who stay within the country´s border.

Amongst those migrating are also loads of temporary workers, like in Saudi-Arabia for example, where are many from the Philippines. But those work for others, most of them don´t have their own business and they intend to return as soon as they can financially afford it.
La Rocque: I honestly don't remember the names of those who said it, but in this very thread you have several people who hate/dislike her, so i think you have been answered.

FourthHorseman and fireangel: That was the kind of answer i was looking for. =)
Only thing disturbing about K. Goss is that she really sounds like Bruce D. from Iron Maiden in their SIX-SIX-SIX! Nummer auf den best -cover. I´m currently listening to Suicide by my side, but it doens´t sound too bad. If there wasn´t that nowhere-leading guitar-wanking, the song could be a lot better.

@rahvin: Wasn´t she kind of wasted or just otherwise happy? :rolleyes:
@solefald: what is wrong with slipknot?
@naku: sober, as far as i could tell. as in, she was in control of both her speech and movements. then again, i'm in control of my speech and movements when i'm wasted, unless i'm vomiting. she wasn't vomiting either.
@rahvin: maybe i´m mixing drunken disorder to ordinary enthusiasm when there are svedes on sight.