best FEMALE vocalists in todays metal bands

Sigh... Are you guys gonna make me say it again??? The greatest metal band with a female singer was, and always will be, Nuclear Death.
-angela gossow(arch enemy)-diva satanica rules!

-emma hellstrom(the provenance)-sweet great voice really underrated!

-jonna enckell (the project hate)-she's so talented

-Mia Ståhl(the project hate old singer)-wonderful!

-the great kat-aaaaaaaarrghhhhhhhh!!!

-doro pesch-old school!

-anneke of gathering-maybe she is no more a "metal" singer!
Someone already mentioned my favorite, Sharon Den Adel from Within Temptation, but I'm wondering if anyone else likes Lana Lane. I think she has an amazing voice.
In no particular order:

Christina, Lacuna Coil
Johanna DePierre, Amaran
Sfinx, Ram-Zet
Marina Zrilic, Ashes You Leave
I'm also quite fond of the woman's voice in Antimatter. (Not really metal, though)

Ehh, just off the top of my head. I'll add some more later if I think of it.

edit: Stefanie Duchêne formally of Flowing Tears as well.
for growls i dig marta of enter chaos,angela gossow and myself.
for clean vocals i guess jonna enckell of the project hate aint bad.
BoogieMk1 said:
cheers guys...keep it coming

ive loaded 2 tracks by tristania.....very nice and a talented singer, will check out others :tickled:

Check out the "Widow's Weeds" album, which is their best!
Yeah I've heard Lana Lane before but I didn't really know she did metal. Is it power metal? Cause thats what I imagine it would be judging from her voice. I only heard stuff from her covers album and it wasn't bad.