Why do you like metal?

I like more than just metal.

But to answer your question, metal and related genres often have more depth to them than a lot of other forms (i.e. rap, pop) and a lot of creativity is shown, with technical and practical skills in the bands songwriting/playing and some bands the lyrics just blow me away.

Industrialist bands have more of an effect on my due to greater depth in the music (Try the Stabbing Westward - Darkest Days CD).

I think.
Why do I like metal? Well, mostly, I'd say, it's my brothers' fault. Some of my earliest childhood memories are of standing in this room, back then it was my brother's room, looking at a huge Helloween poster... and then there's that loud AC/DC being played when we were home alone... and of course the time I got to sit in his room and watch a recording of Twisted Sister doing a concert. Can you believe it? He actually let me stay in his room for more than ten minutes... ;) (might I add my brothers are 12 years older than me?). My other brother wasn't too much an influence on my musical tastes, but he encouraged me once I got started.

My first mentioned brother, however, left behind Iron Maiden LPs and Queensrÿche and Bruce Dickinson CDs when moving out... and I sort of got hold of them and the rest is history.

I like it because... because... it's good. Yes, that's it. There's lots of talent, it's powerful, it just... harmonises with me.
Tough one. I can probably name more reasons why I don't like metal, but I still do love metal. Or, rather, the bands - not the style. I love the bands which retain metal's strengths (that particular energy, the direct emotions, the positively larger-than-life attitudes in music) and overcome its weaknesses (linearity, excessive repetition, glued-together superficial composition work, lack of expression). Opeth are a special band - while still rooted in metal, they transcend it by all parameters.

D Mullholand
I like metal simply because of the guitars! :eek:)
I have loved the instrument since I was a kid.
Metal has taken the instrument further...
I love the heavy sound. After having been
into indie for a while I started digging for
heavier music, and metal was my thing.
I like the structures of the songs...they way
they are built up.

Other than that I don't know what to say. It
has a lot to do with what feeling I get from the
music, and I think you all know that feeling....
When you listen to a song, and everything is
just RIGHT! :eek:)
well, I've always had a morbid dark look on most things since childhood, and some deep hate inside (catholic school), so metal appealed to me almost immediately. it was an entire release. but later I started to develop an interest in art and now I tend toward not very heavy styles at all, looking more into deeper emotions and experimentation. still I enjoy a big variety of metal, but I think is slowly going down in me.
I like metal because it's so deep. There are so many layers to it. Opeth, for example, can be deathly heavy, melodic, and can appeal to several different moods...all in one song!
i like metal because it fits everything:
1. driving fast, Soilwork
2. taking a shower, Blind Guardian
3. relaxing, Opeth and Ulver
4. releaseing tension, Emperor
5. fun rockin roll mood, Iced Earth
6. winter time, Immortal and Saytricon
7. summer time, Pantera
8. happy times, AC/DC
9. sad times, Opeth again (some songs)
10. going to sleep, Green fuckin Carnation
1. because i can scare my grandparents with this music
2. they all look cool
3. i want to be cool too.

i like metal because of the feelings it holds itself and can arise in me. and i like rhythm.
Number one reason I love metal is the instruments. The use of instruments is very important to me. I respect a band that is multi-talented as opposed to the choreographed by another, written by another, re-used sampling crap that is the norm of today. And another reason is the chills I get when I listen to a certain melody, as in Dimmu Borgir songs, OMC, Opeth of course, Satyricon (as in Mother North, wowowow), etc. No other music can do this to me, except YoYoMa's classical Cello pieces.
I'm not the only one with a brother(s) to thank. My brother had wall-to-wall Iron Maiden...the dedication! I understand why now.

The first thing that appealed to me was the guitar solo. The skills! Choice lyrics are important to me. The better they are, the more emotion I get from it. Music is very personal the way it touches each individual. It's tough to explain, yet easy to agree with certain parts of what others say.

Its power catches my attention and its complexity keeps it.

"With anger the wind blew,
Giving wings to my stallion."