Why do you like metal??

Sounds good. And the people who play it are talented, unlike most other music (not including stuff like jazz & classical, which I respect but just don't like).
the atmosphere, the skill, the depth, the variety, the complexity, etc

i certainly dont like every metal band but there is so many subgenres out there that it just means i can find the exact mixture of sounds that i like, which is also because metal bands arent as scared to experiment and be themselves.

i have a metal CD for every emotion and moment, other genres that i like tend to be far more restricted.
YaYoGakk: the atmosphere, the skill, the depth, the variety, the complexity...

Mmmm. Yeah...it's all about the atmosphere...the feel you get from it. The variety/complexity are bonuses. It's all about the skill the musicians have. The ideas they have and their ability to bring it out in there music. I always liked metal because of the skill it took, but as time went on, the skilled didn't seem so skillful because of newer bands out shinning them. Then I found Opeth...Ugh! :rolleyes: Now that's skill. ;)

"The darkened oaks are my only shelter.
Red leaves are blown by the wind."
To my ears, the emotional content of metal music far exceeds any other genre of music, including classical.

I have always thought the talent in metal far exceeds that of other music - the guitar work is more intricut, and all instruments need to play with speed. Plus, it just gets me, period.
Why do I like Heavy Metal???

I like Heavy Metal because, it's music is so amazing and it gives so much to me psichically, emotionally etc. When I listen to Metal, and those solo's or acuastic guitar or drums, bass, vocals - when I hear them, it makes me feel so good, this feeling in my heart that I can't describe... it's better than sex!!!... ermmm :err: ok, well I'm still a virgin... so... it's better then masturbation then! :D