Why does Adagio kick major arse?

Evil Ernie

Ungodly freak, defiler
Feb 5, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Hi all,

I was listening to Underworld comming back from work tonight and I was kinda pointing out de various strenghts of this great band. I wanted to ask you guys what do you think is the best part of Adagio's music. What do you think is the most important strenght that makes this band better than most of the regular shit.

I know, the band isn't only about tremendous guitar playing, powerful melodies or complex progish rythmics, etc. I know that every single element of their music is uber important, but that their ability to make that stand togheter is by far what's most remarquable. BUT....which single element of their music do you prefer?

For me it is their cohesion, the ability they have to go trough complex orchestrations and arrangements without loosing focus on their song. I like the way this band can go through a 7-8-9 and + minutes song without having to resort to simple riff collage. They write songs with a great fluidity, making every twisted bit fit perfectly well in the whole piece.

What about you? :Spin:
I think that melodies are great and the arrangement of those melodies is great. That's why I like most bands. But what makes them elite over alot of them is the way everything blends together. I think that's what seperates awesome bands from great bands. Symphony X, Dream Theater, and King Crimson both have what I am referring too. When the lyrics, orchestration, arrangements, melodies all come together it creates an atmospheric masterpiece such as Underworld. What throws the extra kick in their is the technique. Their are alot of bands with great technique but don't put it to use, mainly because their not that good of writers.