why does Toolbox acting..


May 10, 2003
why does Toolbox acting like hes a fan of me? (lol) okay i got it,
he thinks i'm hot but he keep saying it all the time... thats a bit strange
is he a fan of me?
Or maybe you just want to make everybody see you have a fan? Ive never take special notice of this "Toolbox" but then again I dont check every thread
why not, i have to admit i kinda enjoy having a fan and i'm a bit bored tonight so thats fine, i enjoy it and why not to make a jokes about it, it is kinda funny...
You made a thread about me? I'm so flattered. Maybe I am a fan of you...or maybe I'm not. I'm not the only one who thinks you're hot though. RosesofShadow said you're hot too. Oh yeth, yeth indeed. :D
But I'm not a stalker, and I said you're hot a bunch of times because I like repeating myself. And because it's true. Truth is good, and why not make it known? ;)
With that freakish mime-looking avatar you may have a little trouble convincing her you're not a stalker bro :lol:

She does have a hell of a lot of fans on here though. Probably stalkers too since she's coming to the states... heh.

I must find a poor, depraved soul so I can have a fan :) It's gonna take at LEAST that for me to get one.
Maybe he is a fan...

or just admiring.

I always say certain guys here are hot (just ask Erik or Malacypse), but I've tuned it down a bit.

That's what ya get for posting a lot of pics of youself. :)
mousewings said:
Maybe he is a fan...

or just admiring.

I always say certain guys here are hot (just ask Erik or Malacypse), but I've tuned it down a bit.

That's what ya get for posting a lot of pics of youself. :)

i'm not posting alot of pics thats for sure..

dont get me wrong, i think it's great having here ppl like him :)P) i enjoy it, everyone would enjoy it
i create this thread for fun, regretfully Mr. toolbox is too nice and i can't be mean to him because he is a great person other than being my fan :)P)
anyway there are ppl here who takes it too seriouslly and they shouldent, i know not everybody liking me here and i feel the same about some ppl but yet i respect people and would like to be respected too as well

so please try to enjoy this or if you think it would be better to close it i agree and would like it too.

have a great evening everybody :wave:
rotten_doll said:
why does Toolbox acting like hes a fan of me? (lol) okay i got it,
he thinks i'm hot but he keep saying it all the time... thats a bit strange
is he a fan of me?

Listen, I just want to clear up a few things, because I really do feel like a total asshole right about now. I never meant to weird you out or anything. I'm not a stalker, I'm not after pussy, and I already have a girlfriend. I just wanted to hand out a compliment where I felt it was due. I don't even know you. (Although I must admit, if I was single and I knew you really well, I would probably hit on you.) So yeah, sorry about all the confusion. :oops:
Northern Viking said:
Manuel, I think you're really hot! Can I be your Fanboy now? Can you autograph my tits? :loco:

i'm a big viking's fan
so can i be your fanboy?