Why doesn't Lamb of God get more RC respect?

One Inch Man said:
Don't worry, Jesse Custer will return! :D I've had a whole shitload of avatars but JC is one of about three I like to go back to.

Attempt #2.

Yes, Never change your avatar again Inchy. If it's not broke...don't fix it!
Usually I leave from other people's opinions and respect them, but one thing I literally cannot fathom is how people say Mastodon is "boring". It.. just doesn't make sense to me.
J. said:
I never trust MA's reviews. Too many hacks just writing away, kissing their favorite bands' asses or simply trying to trash some band.

Agreed, approach them with caution and don't ever make a decision to buy anything without reading reviews on another site first (assuming you trust net critics at all).
I did find the "masturbate into their cocaine" line funny though.
Marksveld said:
Usually I leave from other people's opinions and respect them, but one thing I literally cannot fathom is how people say Mastodon is "boring". It.. just doesn't make sense to me.

I usually like stuff like Mastodon, but their is just something "not right" about them, and I still don't know what it is, and it's buggin' the shit out of me.

I think it's the technical aspect thing. That "ooohhh look at us" factor. This is the reason why I could not get into Meshuggah and Dillinger Escape Plan. I don't give a fuck if you play 10 string guitars and can play off-beat. Just break it down for me, muhfucks, nothing fancy.
I felt that way about them for about a month, then it all of a sudden disappeared... it was definitely hard to put my finger on.
speaking of Mastodon ... they just got signed to a major label ... worldwide with Warner Bros. ... how in God's name are they going to market this band?

is anyone no longer a fan because of this news? :loco:
lurch70 said:
how in God's name are they going to market this band?

Probably just where Relapse left off, by describing them as a "mix between Metallica and Rush" and throwing big stickers on the jewel case. And I'm pretty sure they've got an open invite to OzzFest.

Yeah, if my money was on anyone these days, it would be Mastodon. I think In Flames and Soilwork struck too late, and I don't think Dimmu and Bodom are going to catch on...Mastodon however may just pick up an audience.
General Zod said:
if some old school band released anything that neared the intensity and kick assedness of this CD, that many of the RC faithful would be reaching for the Kleenex.

Judas Priest did an album with that stupid "jugga-jugga" riffing. It was called Jugulator and it sucked.

Lamb Of God sound almost identical to all the other "jugga-jugga weeeoh" bands I hear, only a little more distinct. Still get them confused with Hatebreed though. I think it's obvious why they don't get 'RC respect'...they're a bit dull!

(couldn't be bothered to read the thread)
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, if my money was on anyone these days, it would be Mastodon. I think In Flames and Soilwork struck too late, and I don't think Dimmu and Bodom are going to catch on...Mastodon however may just pick up an audience.
I disagree. Mastadon's music is fairly inaccessible, especially for the casual listener. If the folks on this board can spin their stuff a half dozen times, and still not know how they feel about them, I'm not sure how their going to hook the MTV generation.

If I was to put my money on any of the Metal bands of today to break through, it would probably be Dimmu. I think if they continue down the path they begun to travel on their last two CDs, thier blend of dark Power Metal, with hints of Black and Goth could have wide appeal.

General Zod said:
I disagree. Mastadon's music is fairly inaccessible, especially for the casual listener. If the folks on this board can spin their stuff a half dozen times, and still not know how they feel about them, I'm not sure how their going to hook the MTV generation.

That's the thing, I think most people here do like Mastodon. It's strange because just within this very board you have a strong audience mix that thinks Mastodon is exceptional. That's what always leaves me scratching my head -- I can understand why I can't get into something that, say, Nate recommends (although when he's right, he's dead on), but when IOfTheStorm, Papa Josh, Marksveld, Matt99crew, etc are all also raving, I figure I must be missing something. [And I mostly refer to the "Leviathan" album].

Nevertheless, I think Mastodon seem to have this appeal to a widespread audience. You can run a poll here to see which folks like Mastodon, and it'll give you a good impression of the audience mix.

If I was to put my money on any of the Metal bands of today to break through, it would probably be Dimmu. I think if they continue down the path they begun to travel on their last two CDs, thier blend of dark Power Metal, with hints of Black and Goth could have wide appeal.

I just don't see it. Don't get me wrong, Dimmu are already popular, but I think they've peaked. They're too alienated by the underground, and too 'extreme' for the mainstream (including the imagery). The Dimmu demographic is pretty easy to spot and I don't think it will evolve much further outside that circle of 16 year old adolescents. Of course, there are exceptions, but for sure, it's the kids that are lining their pockets.

Where Dimmu look like 'satanic' scandinavians, Mastodon are corn-fed yanks in flannel shirts and baseball caps and will probably appeal to all ages. They're on a major label, and being hailed by publications like A&P, Revolver, Rolling Stone....man, all the stars are aligned for this band. That's my guess.
The clipping pile that came with the last Mastodon promo was ridiculous, it was like 200 articles and reviews in more magazines than I never knew existed. I think they have immediate accessibility in that they use tasty riffs, but the long term appeal resides in the drumming and varied songs. I still don't quite "get" Leviathan, but I do recognize it as a good album and I revisit it on a regular basis.

I don't watch MTV or read music magazines so I have no idea who is popular or not, but I do see less Dimmu shirts worn by teenagers these days, I think that's a good indicator on who could make it big next. Haven't they been doing their Marilyn Manson Gone Death Metal for like 10 years now? haha I remember that picture in that last album I had by them, with the bald dude getting head from some bint and he was shooting lightning bolts into her head hahahaha wow.
JayKeeley said:
That's the thing, I think most people here do like Mastodon. It's strange because just within this very board you have a strong audience mix that thinks Mastodon is exceptional. That's what always leaves me scratching my head -- I can understand why I can't get into something that, say, Nate recommends (although when he's right, he's dead on), but when IOfTheStorm, Papa Josh, Marksveld, Matt99crew, etc are all also raving, I figure I must be missing something. [And I mostly refer to the "Leviathan" album].
I'd agree with what you said. And I'm the same way about revisiting something, over and over again, when a certain subset of folks are raving about it. However, it seems that there's also a number of us who have been left scratching our heads when it comes to Mastadon. And if were scratching our heads, I'm not sure how the MTV folks, with their 3 second attention spans, are going to get hooked.

I agree with Zod, this is why I asked my original question.
Mastodon is an aquired taste, certainly not instant or accesible and certainly not commercial.
Not only that, but I can see them running out of ides fast. I cannot imagine where they can take this down the road ?!?!?
I don't give a fuck what label Mastodon is on, they make good music and I will support them as long as they continue in such a fashion.
Marksveld said:
I don't give a fuck what label {INSERT ANY BAND I LIKE HERE} is on, they make good music and I will support them as long as they continue in such a fashion.
General Zod said:
I'd agree with what you said. And I'm the same way about revisiting something, over and over again, when a certain subset of folks are raving about it. However, it seems that there's also a number of us who have been left scratching our heads when it comes to Mastadon. And if were scratching our heads, I'm not sure how the MTV folks, with their 3 second attention spans, are going to get hooked.


lurch70 said:
I agree with Zod, this is why I asked my original question.
Mastodon is an aquired taste, certainly not instant or accesible and certainly not commercial.
Not only that, but I can see them running out of ides fast. I cannot imagine where they can take this down the road ?!?!?

Agreed (to both of you). Thing is, I'm making the assumption that I'm in the minority when it comes to [not really liking] Mastodon, that's why it's difficult to speculate. Just based on who likes them here makes me think that lots of other people with varied tastes will like it also, perhaps? It's pure guesswork.

Overall though, I get the impression that more people like Mastodon than not.