why Goats Horns by Nokturnal Mortum is the school showers of black metal


Autistic Superstar
Oct 16, 2002
explain to me this. when is faggoth not acutually faggoth but in fact one of the all time greats of Black Metal. When they are nazi of course. lets take Nokturnal Mortum for example, their "masterpiece" goat horns sounds like the soundtrack to Hecate Enthroned-the pantomine (which probably features Bukkake in its matinee). Its basically "upon promethean shores" with the malvolence replaced with overtly theatrical campness that even Dani Filth would bulk out, and more keyboard melodramatics than a circle jerk of Bodom fanboys Warment tribute projects. Ok they went more true as time progressed, but their true stuff just sounds like the missing link between the worst excesses of Hecate Enthroned and Into the Nightside eclipse.

Normally such absloute suckiness would be condemmed by every basement bound lord of chaos wannabe this side of Bergen, But since instead it is embraced as an prime example of true black metal. the reason:well most of the kvlt types are kvlt types simply as they want to rebel mommy, daddy and society in general, they haven't got enough friends to be a wigga or core type, so instead they just lurk in their bedrooms, and collect 17th rate Burzum knock offs whilst mastrabating over pictures of the great man himself. Since they are rebels just for the sake of it, they have to break as many taboos as they can in order to stick it to mommy and daddy for providing them with the genetic code of an antisocial, pasty faced Hentai loving freak. the far right is the pentultimate taboo in western culture, so naturally they collect everything and anything with the Label "NSBM" on it, to prove their conviction to the overthrow of the Zionist occupational government to the rest of their Turner diary reading AOL buddies.

Lets face it, telling people your into Pagan or odinist black metal justs makes them think your a CoF fan who whose been watching too much Buffy the Vampire slayer recently, let slip your into nazi stuff, and suddenly everyones becomes much more "opinionated" towards you. Where before you were just another black clad dweeb fighting a losing war against the tyranny of halitosis and acne and whose sole achivement in live was being a mod on a half dead forum, now they get visions of Edward Norton in American History X. or so the ANUSites believe anyway. it helps them believe that they are in fact a dashing rebel instead of a cretinous geek.

they also like Goat Horns as it means they can indulge in their secret love for the faggoth. You see a fair few still like their CoF DB and OMC cds, but can't listen to them as they are deemed untrue. so thus they indulge in necro-legal passion that is Goat Horns, kind of like how all the homo repressed yet stil externally bigoted, chavs at your high school all seemed to enjoy the after game bathing after their weekly encounter with pointless sports
It's because the keyboards are mixed so expertly and follow classical music patterns and aren't just completely glorified wankfests. Now shut the fuck up.

Oh, and by the way, your taste in music sucks.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
It's because the keyboards are mixed so expertly and follow classical music patterns and aren't just completely glorified wankfests. Now shut the fuck up.

Oh, and by the way, your taste in music sucks.
ah, the "its on a par with classical music" argument as borrowed from mr Prozak. which could also be used to defend any metal band with symphonic keyboards in from Nightwish or Doro. Im not sure how anyone could describe "unholy Orintha" or however the fuck its spelt as anything other than a valium influenced ode to the Hecate Enthroned back catalogue. I suppose you like the les legions noire as well?
kollex said:
ah, the "its on a par with classical music" argument as borrowed from mr Prozak. which could also be used to defend any metal band with symphonic keyboards in from Nightwish or Doro. Im not sure how anyone could describe "unholy Orintha" or however the fuck its spelt as anything other than a valium influenced ode to the Hecate Enthroned back catalogue. I suppose you like the les legions noire as well?

I didn't say it was on par with anything you stupid fuck. The keyboards are very classically used, well placed in the situation and enhance the experience. Cradle of Filth has stupid random organ keyboards that are louder than a mixing truck right outside your house. I can make infinite points on this matter, but the biggest one is that you're a moron. It's quite obvious you don't know what you're talking about at all.
The board was about a hundred and eighty times better without you here kollex. Where've you been?

I'm fairly sure most of your anti-anything-elitists-like bullshit is an attempt at trolling rather than your actual viewpoint. Or maybe I'm just wishful. Regardless, nobody who's said to me in all seriousness that The Chasm are "Marduk wannabes" is going to get taken seriously by ANYBODY.
Guardian of Darkness said:
The board was about a hundred and eighty times better without you here kollex. Where've you been?

I'm fairly sure most of your anti-anything-elitists-like bullshit is an attempt at trolling rather than your actual viewpoint. Or maybe I'm just wishful. Regardless, nobody who's said to me in all seriousness that The Chasm are "Marduk wannabes" is going to get taken seriously by ANYBODY.
that was me taking the piss out of you. I acutually like them now
so naturally they collect everything and anything with the Label "NSBM" on it, to prove their conviction to the overthrow of the Zionist occupational government to the rest of their Turner diary reading AOL buddies.

Goat Horns isn't NSBM, get your shit straight before attempting to bash an album.
It's not my favorite NM album (NEChrist is), but is definitely a great album and comparing it to CoF is fucking absurd. If you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, shut your fucking mouth.