why Goats Horns by Nokturnal Mortum is the school showers of black metal

What's with all these "well you like ______, so what would you know" arguments. Some of you fuckers really believe that musical taste is objective, I love it!

I think Goat Horns sucks, which is why I sold it. Taste of Victory is okay, and I haven't heard the others.
J. said:
NM didn't start with the NS lyrics until their later albums, probably Nechrist or To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire, I believe.

I understand this, but Varg never had NS lyrics, yet Burzum is still considered proto-NSBM, just as many racialist pagan BM bands don't always use specifically Nazi themes but are still considered to fall into that category. So I'd say all albums from any BM act that has had racialist lyrics and/or racialist viewpoints at any point are still NSBM.

It's just nitpicking anyways, they're NS now, so...