Why hello there.


Loitering Dwarf
Mar 28, 2008
I appear to have been absent from these parts for quite some time.

Not quite sure how that's happened, except it's probably quite a lot to do with my current health problems and how shite I've been feeling. Nothing like thyroid problems to put you off your pillaging and Olli-baiting.

However I seem to be back, just as mysteriously as I went away.

*toddles off in search of a worthy opponent while wiping rust off battleaxe*
It soon will be - blood test results come back tomorrow and then it should (touch wood) be a fairly simple case of getting on the right medication at the right dose.
Hopefully that's true. Getting the right dose and becoming symptom free (if it actually happens) might take some time though... not trying to discourage you by the way. Of course I have no idea what exactly is the problem, so maybe it indeed is just a simple case. I keep my fingers crossed for you!