Why hello there . . .

Had quite a nice evening with friends, and remarkably didn't even get p... Ahem, drunk this time. ;)

And yes, I remember you and I care! ;)
How could I forget, after all you are the first I've ever asked out...;) :grin:

Hope you're having good time down there too. :)
hi. yeah i remember you, but as the evil put it, i'm still in love and as such can't think straight or even think bent or any other shape you care to think of (and i've started babbling now, haven't i? and do you even know what babbleing is? or is it just a scottish term? i dunno, but then i don't know nothin'.) and maybe this whole business of me and love will be over or reconciled happily sometime soon. than again, probably not. :(
E+L - good luck with your bambino. I personally think children are the work of the devil, and will only be having one if I need a cleaner. And that's only if I can find one cheap enough on the internet. :)

Eddy - Hellooooooooo.Wow, was I really the first?:o *honoured*:grin: Do you use the same nick on the IM BB too? I get confuzzled with everyones nick's.:confused:

Slash - *HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGS* I don't really know the story (I think I kinda get the picture though) so I can't really say anything to you. I hope it works out for you, and keep your chin up! Would I be correct in thinking you are of tender years? Just curious. :)
Originally posted by dreamwatch
Eddy - Hellooooooooo.Wow, was I really the first?:o *honoured*:grin: Do you use the same nick on the IM BB too? I get confuzzled with everyones nick's.:confused:

Yes to both questions, I use the same nick everywhere. :)
Originally posted by Moon Child
Hello Dreamy and hello everyone. It's also been a long, long time since I was here last and I am not sure how many of you will remember me either.

How could I forget your angel-like voice! :)
Dreamy: *hugs back*. thanks. :) believe me, you don't want to know the story. it's long and complicated and if the past 2 months have involved what i think they have it'll cause tears. plenty of them, in fact. you could probably turn a desert into a rainforest with the sheer volume of tears you'll get, hence why i hope things will go better for me, for once. but anyway, thanks for your concern. no doubt i'll be posting something concerning this special lady in a few weeks.

and tender years?! I'm 17!!! I'll be collecting my pension soon!!!!!! ;)
Crikey, if your getting your pension at 17 I must already be dead at 27! :lol:

Hello there Miss Moony, ofcourse we run into each other a bit more often on the Maiden Downunder BB (oh, and in person ;)).

So now I know it's the same Eddy everywhere, I won't embarrass myself by rocking up to someone and chatting with them only to find out that they are not you! ;)