Why is it aussies call brits 'whinging poms'...

You're ignorant because you stated something that's completely bullshit and typical of the closed-in, moronic australian who thrives on cultural stereotypes. All british travellers I've met have been open and excited about places they travel to. But the point of my post is that Aussies call Brits whingers (and not vice versa), yet AUSSIES whinge more than anyone else I've met once they get here.

I know a few who continually bag the place - but guess what? They're always trying to find ways of extending their visas - but it seems it's not enough that they live in the gateway to Europe, they need to go on about how 'home is so much better'.

And for failing to see my point in the original post, you're twice as ignorant!
Yeah, well you can go and fuck off Dreamy. Calling us bastards rude. Why don't you sod off and go and drink warm beer in the rain and eat spotted dick or something. Something about TV too. Maybe about sit-coms or something. I don't know. You can fill that one in yourself. I don't know about the tube, I've actually heard that's pretty good, if we're talking about trains now.

Where do these people get off calling us rude and whiny. It's just not fair. How come these people can't understand that *everything* is better here? Except trains and English people. English people are better back in England. Except hot English chicks, if they've got one of the good accents. Same for Scottish and Irish chicks as well. They're all welcome.
That was a stupid post. Definately not my best work. I could go back and erase it, but I need to wear my shame publicly. I apologise to everyone who read that for wasting their time.

The point still stands about chicks with accents though.
But Brits do make groovy TV shows. I wish Mighty Boosh would come back on, that was classic.

The only thing I think that would make living in England bad is the weather and the cost of living, though I suppose it's worse in the big cities and that's like everywhere else. Have they erradicated mad cow disease yet? :)
Mark, i don't really see how you can post a topic like this and not expect a negative reaction, this is maiden downunder. And calling me a cunt is a bit harsh no matter what i said.

so fuck you cunt
It was a magnificent post. So firm, so.....oh.

Anyway, was just watching old home videos of my family in England (Doncaster and York, to be precise). It was snowing in my street. Snowing! And my backyard, car and house were covered in snow. Covered in snow! I'm sure you'd have enjoyed that Spawny. I bet even the cold castles were covered in snow.

I was happy in England, and really didn't want to come back here. There's so much to do over there that you can't do here, but then of course there's also so much to do here that you can't do there. Anyway, drinking decent beer at a decent price was nice. I don't think things have changed to much up north, where beer is waaay cheaper than it is in Melbourne. Way better too. Fuck me dead petrol is expensive there though. It's 20p more expensive now that it was then too.

I found English people to be very friendly in the main. When the found out I supported the English cricket team they were even friendlier. I don't mind English weather either - nice crisp winter days. Only 4 degrees or so, but still and sunny.