Why is it that...


May 22, 2003
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... some people have so much luck with meeting bands and others don't? i met a band for the first time (not counting local shows where my friends are friends with the band) yesterday at ozzfest, Chimaira. and i've been to so many concerts. Grr.
Wolftribe said:
... some people have so much luck with meeting bands and others don't? i met a band for the first time (not counting local shows where my friends are friends with the band) yesterday at ozzfest, Chimaira. and i've been to so many concerts. Grr.
you want some rotten luck? My friend and I got to a Savatage concert. This is on the Gutter tour....anyway, my dad dropped us off and told us to wait after the show. Well, after the show, it got later and later....no dad. So, we hiked a friggin' mile to the pay phone to see what was up. My mom tells me he's on his way...so, we hustle our butts back to the Boathouse and what do we find? My dad talking with Jon, Johnny and Criss. Do WE get to talk? NO. We get yelled at... :yell:
To make matters almost worse, we're at the public library the next day and who's walking down the street in neon green shorts, an orange tank top and bright magenta hat? None other than the Mountain King, Jon. Do we get to stop and say, "Hi?" No... grrrrrrrr..... Of course, walking the streets of downtown Norfolk at dusk, alone, isn't one of the brightest things you could do, either. Glad we still have Jon...

Aside from that, we just went to a couple of signings at Tracks and the like...only say Queensryche and Megadeth. Don't ask Dave or Nick hard questions when they've just been wakened from their bus-induced comas...sheesh. Jr's so damned cool, though...man....
My friend and I met Queensrÿche...some dude has passes, but his wife was pregnant, so they decided to give them to whoever they hought deserved em. And we were up on the railing headbanging, singing along, etc., so we got em. QR are pretty cool guys, especially Eddie Jackson (bass). Plus we got a ride home from a hot metal chick and her mom...a couple Mormons who drove from Utah to see QR. It was an interesting night.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
or you can be Will, and post your picture all the time on the Nevermore message board, get everyone to call you your name, so Warrel will know you by name :lol:

Hmmmmm i don't have any pictures of me on my comp, but my name is Max, people! (unfortunately, do you know how much it sucks to share the name with practically every house pet)