why is lurch blowing this forum at 3am?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

np: hot chocolate - you sexy thing
a few days ago

me to majestikmoose:

"why are there never any spoof threads on RC?"

jesus and I love you, one inch nad
will all these funny threads, you would think you got laid this weekend ... but the poop thread says otherwise :D
this is the kind of shit RC needs to survive... LOTS of random threads. it's not like the actual topic of the thread has any bearing on where the conversation will go, so the topics are of little consequence
hey! is this a spoof of my genuinely heart-felt thread? i'm terribly offended.....................but i'll get over it.
Demilich said:
this is the kind of shit RC needs to survive... LOTS of random threads. it's not like the actual topic of the thread has any bearing on where the conversation will go, so the topics are of little consequence
i dub thee Official RC Rool Keepur.
lurch70 said:
will all these funny threads, you would think you got laid this weekend ... but the poop thread says otherwise :D
i met* a girl, i'm giddy. :loco:

*knew her 7 years ago, was a good friend.