Madness?!? This is RC!

Ulver's last album was disco/pop so I suppose they now qualify.

I mean I guess I kinda like it but it's pretty bad in a lot of ways.

Can you tell that these are two different bands? Not really, really.
What the fuck is that horrid shit? Bint in the video looks like you if you were transitioning. (No offense)

I tried giving Ulver Electro Era a chance a month back, the offerings fell between passable and watery fecal. Idk why tf that shit gets tugged off, but a lot of things have confused me here as of late.
The last decade of Ulver: Messe, Drone Activity, and ACKSJDREJAIDSAFH are all amazing. There have also been several albums of complete bull plop.
Bint in the video looks like you if you were transitioning. (No offense)
:lol: x6 (inch 'till death)
The Assassination of Caesar Salad is ok for the most part thx to cohesive nostalgic atmosphere (clutching at straws here, though I do like the album) but now they're pushing it.
It begs the question, how far south can a band's discography go where they can be categorized as overall shart on the whole? Whats the gem to shit ratio before one stops citing a band in discourse and prefaces with the album title over the act?

Id say you need at least one home run for every three strikeouts. Ulver at this point shouldnt even be named. Lets just point to Bergtatt and be done with it. All this poof music is the drizzliny shits. No we're not being cerebral, no we're noy being sophisticated, its just passable at best. If one has to listen to an album 50 times over to convince themselves otherwise, then I dont know what to say. Good albums usually have some hook n meat on the onset. Further listens add garnish and mayhaps some nice yams n buttery corn to round it out.

Electro Ulver is the drizzliny shits.