Why Men are Dumb

That's what "not-a-real-man" would say.

Women want security. After security they want fun. When the state provides the security, they can then just look for fun dudes for a fling, giving dudes little incentive to be "real men".

I don't think this is really that big of a deal. Just because a woman gets security from the state or from being financially independent, doesn't mean she wants flings and won't settle down. I think it depends on the individual.

I think people for the most part will do whatever they want, and some people's desires are more shaped by social conditioning than others'.
I don't think this is really that big of a deal. Just because a woman gets security from the state or from being financially independent, doesn't mean she wants flings and won't settle down. I think it depends on the individual.

I welcome you to go exception hunting. It will be a long hunt with little to show for your efforts.
My mother lol. She came to the US and supported herself while going to school and learning English. She provided herself with her own security, but wasn't off having flings. I think a big part of it is her culture and being Christian. She has a negative view of casual sex and keeps telling me to "be respectful" when I go out with a girl because she seems to have no idea how loose American girls can be.
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What I meant was she had a job and paid for bills and school and stuff. She provided her own financial security.
What I meant was she had a job and paid for bills and school and stuff. She provided her own financial security.

I'm not talking about those with the fortitude to go it alone (although the fact that your mother was the man in your life makes perfect sense), and that sort of perspective is lacking in the the US in this era. I'm assuming your mother immigrated? Also makes sense.
This was before my mom met my dad. My dad has been the main source of income my whole life. My mom immigrated from South America.
As someone who was largely raised by a single mother and an older sister, what is it that you're implying here?

Hits the general wickets:


My mom immigrated from South America.

Coming from (most likely) a much more conservative culture can restrain tendencies. Also, being an immigrant means one may or may not know about the various gimmedats available. If one is an illegal immigrant, even knowing may not be enough.
My self esteem, behavior, ability to make friends, and ability to control my emotions/stress level are all perfectly fine. While it is very important for young men to have male role models in their lives, that doesn't mean they can't learn some of the same lessons from their mothers. I learned more about self-reliance, perseverance and determination in the absence of my dad. All I learned from him was fear and discipline (the latter being perhaps the only useful thing). He was always there in the background, waiting in the wings, which I suppose isn't necessarily bad -- letting me do my own thing. The one piece of advice I ever remember him giving me is "The two things you don't fuck with are Jack and Coffee." He's a lone wolf. He lives in the middle of nowhere Texas and relatively keeps to himself. I wouldn't necessarily call his outlook on life "sunny", but that's mostly due to his line of work. Yet, his father was very actively involved in his life, and my dad idolized him. Anecdotal evidence abounds...
My self esteem, behavior, ability to make friends, and ability to control my emotions/stress level are all perfectly fine. While it is very important for young men to have male role models in their lives, that doesn't mean they can't learn some of the same lessons from their mothers. I learned more about self-reliance, perseverance and determination in the absence of my dad. All I learned from him was fear and discipline (the latter being perhaps the only useful thing). He was always there in the background, waiting in the wings, which I suppose isn't necessarily bad -- letting me do my own thing. The one piece of advice I ever remember him giving me is "The two things you don't fuck with are Jack and Coffee." He's a lone wolf. He lives in the middle of nowhere Texas and relatively keeps to himself. I wouldn't necessarily call his outlook on life "sunny", but that's mostly due to his line of work. Yet, his father was very actively involved in his life, and my dad idolized him. Anecdotal evidence abounds...

Yeah, my dad was around but that's about as far as it went. I probably didn't learn much from him or my mother. There can be other role models to step in, but for many boys there isn't anyone else to step in, or at least step in positively. Plus, as society becomes more fragmented, there may simply be no one capable of providing actual mentorship, even if someone is "around". Of course, nearly everyone thinks they "turned out alright" (myself included). Kind of like "Don't you know? We're all innocent here".

I don't think my mom was restrained so much as she was just interested in building a relationship with someone that would last the rest of her life.

I would see this thinking among /r/theredpill that our "true" desire is to fuck everyone we find attractive and we just hold ourselves back, but I disagree with them only out of knowing my own urges.

I like monogamy. No one programmed it into me. In fact, I thought it was stupid as a teenager until I tried an open relationship and found that I was fine fucking one person if we had a good relationship.

In an open relationship, we couldn't be as close because we both set aside time to fuck other people that would've been spent doing stuff together, and that detracted from our non-sexual connection.

One time I was hanging out with a couple girls, one of which I had thought about fucking before. Before showing me her tits and climbing on top of me, she told me all this terrible stuff from her life. I just couldn't fuck her after that, and I don't think that's that weird. I'd rather have sex with a person after a great conversation, not after they dump their problems on me and get fucked up.

I can't be the only guy who could fuck anyone they find attractive, but also cares about how enjoyable they are to be around, and will ultimately not be aroused by someone they find attractive if they were unpleasant.

I don't see how it's so different for women.

Sure, with no restraints on sexuality you have people that fuck everyone, but some people get tired of that and would rather spend the time they spend with a bunch of different partners with someone they find special.

It's like how humans naturally crave sugar and fat but not everyone rockets their way to lifelong obesity after their first milk dud. Some people are content with a piece of fruit because they enjoy themselves in a bunch of other ways, same how some people are content with one partner.

I was a teenager when Superbad came out, and I feel like my age group has an obsession with sex and it's annoying because it's boring. Yeah, it's great, but there's more things in the world. Not every song needs to be about sex and getting fucked up.
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My point is that not everyone does, though. Humans like more things than food and sex and won't necessarily overindulge given the chance, though some people obviously do.

I used to eat a lot of sugar and fat and watch a lot of porn, and despite how much those things hit my primal pleasure centers, I got tired of them. According to /r/trp, I'm just lying to myself and secretly want to fuck every girl I see. I'm just restraining myself, apparently. It has nothing to do with the fact that a good conversation makes me feel better than fucking a girl who I wouldn't be around for any other purpose.

According to them, there are no experiences better than McDonald's and sex. None. Not making music, drawing, working out, yoga, comedy, pretty much all the things we do not directly related to survival and procreation that make us more than just sophisticated lizards.

Sex gets so overhyped by pop culture. Yeah, it feels awesome. You know what else does? A ton of other things.
My point is that not everyone does, though. Humans like more things than food and sex and won't necessarily overindulge given the chance, though some people obviously do.

No one said everyone. However, those who do not are increasingly an exception, as the culture is built around consumption and in general vulgar hedonism.


Over the course of the 33-year study, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults in the US and Canada – the highest-income countries in North America – rose from 50% to 65%, achieving the highest prevalence observed in all of the GBD regions examined. For children, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Canada and the US combined rose substantially, from 19% to nearly 29% over the study period.

Key findings:

  • More than 50% of the world’s 671 million obese live in 10 countries (ranked beginning with the countries with the most obese people): US, China, India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan, and Indonesia.
  • In high-income countries, some of the greatest increases in adult obesity have been in the US, Australia (where nearly 30% of men and women are obese), and the UK (where around a quarter of the adult population is obese).
  • Today, 2.1 billion people – nearly one-third of the world’s population – are overweight or obese. The number of overweight and obese individuals in the world has increased from 857 million (20%) in 1980 to 2.1 billion (30%) in 2013.
  • From 1980 to 2013, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children increased by nearly 50%.

Not sure how McDonalds is pleasurable, even to a starving person. Maybe Del Taco or something would be a better substitute. Also, Reddit is AIDs.
It tastes good to some people. It stopped tasting good to me after I started eating healthy.

Maybe obesity isn't only a nature problem, but a cultural problem. Same with our culture's sex obsession.

Maybe some people's unrestrained desires go towards overindulgence in particular things, while some people spread theirs out more to other things.
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I agree with basically Vimana is saying here. Delayed gratification is one of the greatest indicators of real-life success. This is why people absolutely should judge people for the number of sexual partners they've had, or for their weight.
I agree with basically Vimana is saying here. Delayed gratification is one of the greatest indicators of real-life success. This is why people absolutely should judge people for the number of sexual partners they've had, or for their weight.

I agree with what you're saying. I don't think Vimana is saying that people should judge though. That's what I'm saying.