Screw miscarriages, don't have the kid in the first place

@the OP: I was good with this plan until the tax incentives for rich people to have more kids.
If people had tax incentives or payments to not have kids, that'd be a good thing. We really need to have fewer kids.

What is the purpose of having a child?

..along with personal freedom, peace of mind and the only few things good about the relationship you had it in just to have a 'token of love' crawling around eating mud and your life.
That's why you knock up a hooker under an assumed name.

3rd: Women are all pains in the asses (or the other way around, if you know what I mean (my penis)).
Um...if it hurts to have sex you might want to talk to your doctor.

i have an even better question, if i get a chick pregnant and i push her down a flight of stairs... is it a miscarriage or an abortion or just pure awesome?
It's birth control.
What is the purpose of having a child?
In agricultural and early industrial communities, it's a cheap and legal alternative to slavery and other forms of conscripted labor. In modern industrialized society, it's an aid in social profiling, as it enables others to more effectively identify you as lower class.
That's why you knock up a hooker under an assumed name.
And assumed DNA :lol:
Fuck the middle class and their little shit kids who NEVER do better than they did.

If civilisation advances to the degree where people have surgery like that because they are poor then fuck civilisation. Back to the fucking cave.