
There are a vast amount of white races to account for most of which cannot claim any significant achievements. There are also an incalculable amount of incompetence that can be attributed to the "white race" that vastly overshadow the greatness of any particular white civilizations.
Cythraul, sometimes I don't know whether you're serious and you say some horrible things. But I still think your really a nigga lover.
White power promoters of Spaniard descent are stupid since by their own logics they're lesser than the whiter and more pure man.

I don't subscribe to these kinds of divisive ideas. White brothers and sisters of all hair and eye colors need to stand together against the chocolate deluge. Also, not all Spaniards are hybrids of Iberian and Moorish towelhead. There are blonde, lightly hued Spaniards, especially in Asturias and Galicia, due to a significant amount of Celtic admixture with Iberian. At any rate, Iberians are white. Most just have permanent tans because they live in a sunnier climate than their white brothers to the north.
There are a vast amount of white races to account for most of which cannot claim any significant achievements.

Such as?

There are also an incalculable amount of incompetence that can be attributed to the "white race" that vastly overshadow the greatness of any particular white civilizations.

Really? That's a pretty bold claim, buddy. Even if that were true, it says nothing about whether the white man is more awesome than everybody else (which he is, in fact).
I hate white people. As far as I'm concerned, they've just been one problem after another.

I'm white.

I hate myself.
I dislike white supremacists but I hate people like you way more. The reason? Wellllll most of the really shit stuff that happened happened in revenge for what was perceived to be an injustice against one group, be that the special treatment of one ethnic group by a colonial power or the way an ethnic group has found itself to be wealthier through business.
I have a question: why are Eastern European Jews not included in the white power movement? They're basically Slavs or Poles or whatever (depending on where they live) as far as ethnicity, so that's making it a religious thing. I mean, excluding the Israelis I understand because they're middle easterny and not very white, but the Polish Jews are pretty white. I feel like the white power movement is shooting itself in the foot by opposing the Jews, because they'll never get anywhere without the world banks backing them.
This thread makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm worried that there's going to be one of those ethnics reading over my shoulder. You know how violent those types can be... all those fast-twitch muscle fibers they have.
I have a question: why are Eastern European Jews not included in the white power movement? They're basically Slavs or Poles or whatever (depending on where they live) as far as ethnicity, so that's making it a religious thing. I mean, excluding the Israelis I understand because they're middle easterny and not very white, but the Polish Jews are pretty white. I feel like the white power movement is shooting itself in the foot by opposing the Jews, because they'll never get anywhere without the world banks backing them.

Jews are gay. Jew.
I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I didn't know who

You blame me
For slavery
A hundred years before I was born

Guilty of being white

Guilty of being white

I'm convicted
Of a racist crime
I've only served
19 years of my life

Guilty of being white
Guilty of being right