Not necessarily the right place but....


New Metal Member
Oct 16, 2008
That tech forum is just dead. Anywho, I was wandering if anyone could suggest any tools that I can use to rip songs from my iPod to iTunes? I have a lot of songs from different computers due to the fact that I've been all over the place computer-wise and only just got settled to the point where I will only use one primarily. So I'm trying to put my iPod's contents in one library basicly without burning a shitload of CDs (which wouldn't entirely work in the first place). I know I've seen a couple of tools that can do this in the past but I didn't pay attention enough to recall their names so, if anyone can supply a link or program name, that would be awesome.
I don't have an iPod, but I take it you can't transfer music off it. How gay.

Assuming I'm right (since I usually am), go download winrar, then take the music you want to move around, put it in an .rar file, then put your ipod into portable HD mode, put the .rar on it, move it between computers, and unzip.

If you have any computer savvy this won't be difficult; if you need more help ask.
Well yea, that works for the most part, its just that in some cases, I simply won't be able to access certain music except through my iPod. An old computer my family used that I had several albums on just completely fried and they weren't backed up on an external harddrive or anything.

Basically with the iPod thing, you aren't intended to transfer music off of it (can't just click and drag into the iTunes library), but people have made programs that can do it. That's what I'm looking for. Thanks for help either way.
The Zune has a similar problem. There's a patch that enables you to manually look through it and delete things if the software is being buggy, but for whatever reason, you can't drag and drop onto the computer from it..
I had issues with that way, but I hadn't heard of that ephpod program everyone mentioned in the comments. Going to maybe try that.
I've used Media widget I think it's called, works fine. Its like a trial program but you can keep using it after the trial runs out, I'm not sure why you'd buy it in the first place.