The last place you thought you might meet another metal fan

Unfortunately, not every metalhead you meet is going to sufficiently match your tastes, and there's an awkward potential. The other new metal DJ at the station, whom I met yesterday, is a fan of Bullet for My Valentine and A7x.

I'm failing to see how this person can be defined as a metal dj [/elitist-response-becausethatshitisjusttoogay]
I'm failing to see how this person can be defined as a metal dj [/elitist-response-becausethatshitisjusttoogay]

I told the music director that half the albums in the "metal bin" aren't metal and should be filed somewhere else. She told me that in charting there is no category for metal, so anything that is metal gets grouped with "hard rock". It totally sucks, especially since I may have to play more than 3 shit songs an hour as they get more "metal bin" stuff from promoters.
Tell her to stick the bin up her ass, that you were asked to do a metal station, not a hard rock station.
Tell her to stick the bin up her ass, that you were asked to do a metal station, not a hard rock station. Also tell her, there is in fact a category called metal, and that if you are forced to play these songs, that you will spread terrible rumors about her via the radio station.

I wish.

There will be a station meeting tonight for all DJs to attend. I intend to bring that issue up.
I told the music director that half the albums in the "metal bin" aren't metal and should be filed somewhere else. She told me that in charting there is no category for metal, so anything that is metal gets grouped with "hard rock". It totally sucks, especially since I may have to play more than 3 shit songs an hour as they get more "metal bin" stuff from promoters.

Is there anything worthwhile in said metal bin?
You should slowly put awesome metal in there.

Replace Avenged Shitty Sevenfold, who aggravate me more now that they're fucking supporting Iron Maiden in july (HOW?!?!?!) with some Amon Amarth and go from there.
I've met a few, surprising enough here in Youngstown, unfortunately, most are male, so getting with them is not an option unless I was gay.

the thing is, it usually goes like this: I say something like "nice shirt man, I love that band", we talk for a bit, We exchange digits, and for some reason I never hear from them again.

I met one of my best friends into metal via myspace, though. I posted an ad looking for a grind drummer and he responded. We still hang out and shoot the shit about whatever even though now he lives in Cleveland with his new girlfriend.
You should slowly put awesome metal in there.

Replace Avenged Shitty Sevenfold, who aggravate me more now that they're fucking supporting Iron Maiden in july (HOW?!?!?!) with some Amon Amarth and go from there.
Why are you surprised. Tours aren't put together by how good the band is, they are put together by how many tickets the band will sell.
I saw some big guy with a slayer t-shirt and a slayer hat, with those silver spikes on it, at the library. It was funny.
I was at Disneyworld and I had to do a bag check before I got in, and I had a Children of Bodom shirt on. The guard said that he loved Children of Bodom, and Amon Amarth, Dark Tranquillity, etc.

Northwest of the Slovenian capital.