The last place you thought you might meet another metal fan

I met one of my friends in the university cafeteria in late 2006 and he noticed my Emperor shirt when I was putting up my tray and said "Emperor, Fuck Yeah!" and I turned around and started talking to him and we're into the same bands, except I'm into more than him, but we both like Emperor, Burzum, Cradle of Filth, Satyricon, Dimmu Borgir, and Dark Funeral, but I don't think he's into black metal much anymore, more into Emo and A7X, and some type of music with Hardcore vocals, and I'm sure some types of metal.
Shopping line in Sainsbury's. I was queuing to buy something trivial - probably alcoholic - when someone grabs my arm and I hear 'OMFG, you went to Wacken? I'm so jealous!' (was, and still am, wearing my wristband)... soo, I turn around, and see this HAWT metal chick. Got to talking about some bands, particularly Immortal who it turns out she idolizes and regrets never having seen. Anyway... went out drinking with her that night, very nearly screwed her, but ended up with her MSN address and a promise to meet again. Oddly, I never did. I regret that.
I have no stories but the last place I think I would meet another Metal fan would be my school. People here are either entirely unaware of Metal, or think bands like 3 Days Grace are Metal.

Or they think he's a God, he's a piece of shit.
My school thinks The Devil Wears Prada is the hardest thing since Suicide Silence. I hate that.

Believe me the scene kids get hell from me. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
Dude at my gym was wearing a Down shirt and I asked him what other metal he listens to. I talk to him whenever I see him now and he's a UFC fighter. (not the actual UFC but he's on his way there)
More interestingly, let's pose this question: whether any of us admit it or not, we're overjoyed to meet others in real life who also love this extreme music we care so much about.

Why are we so overjoyed? I love Detroit techno, but when I've met others who share my passion for electronic music over the years, it's not as passionate a discussion as when it comes to metal. Why? We are we so taken to meet others of our kind?
Yeah, I actually cut mine and sewed on a strip of elastic so I can take it on and off. Very subtle, but it means I don't have to wear it for everything.
In the 2nd grade of highschool my music teacher had a sub for awhile,he needed to teach us the basics of a flute and learn us play it till I noticed him wearing a bathory shirt and then the real music lesson started :-D
My teacher noticed the sub wearing it and scolded metal for barbarian music >_>
Two weeks ago, i met a guy at the mall wearing a Behexen t-shirt, although im not a fan of Behexen, but we talked about other bands, like Mayhem, Limbonic Art... He gets online at msn, but i don't talk to him that much.
Unfortunately, not every metalhead you meet is going to sufficiently match your tastes, and there's an awkward potential. The other new metal DJ at the station, whom I met yesterday, is a fan of Bullet for My Valentine and A7x.
In the 2nd grade of highschool my music teacher had a sub for awhile,he needed to teach us the basics of a flute and learn us play it till I noticed him wearing a bathory shirt and then the real music lesson started :-D
My teacher noticed the sub wearing it and scolded metal for barbarian music >_>
Hey man, have you ever been to Bruges? There is a really awesome metal store there where I got great CDs