If you want to meet the band...

...try hanging out in the building next door at the start of the show. The doors for the Pittsburgh show opened at 7, which was when I was supposed to meet someone I met through this board at the CD shop next door in order to buy an extra ticket he had for a friend of mine.

Well he never showed up, but Opeth did! I flashed Mikael a metal sign when he came in, then I proceeded to get a sharpie from behind the desk so that they could sign their portraits on the back of my Still Life shirt. Mikael's and Mendez's came out decent, but Peter's and Lopez's aren't as visible. You can see 'em if you squint, though. :)

I didn't leave until they did, which was about 30 minutes later. They were browsing through CD's...it's a shame the store didn't sell any Opeth CD's otherwise I would have bought one for them to sign more visibly. I didn't have much to say to them, but I did ask Peter when they were going on...I figured the last thing they wanted was some kid telling them how much they ruled and asking them about the meanings of songs. :rolleyes:

Anyway that was probably the best show I ever went to, even though that might have something to do with Opeth being my favorite band.
Cannibal Corpse was in the Chinese restraunt next door to Jaxx a couple years ago, Andrew, but I don't think many of the bands are looking for General Tso's or Koh-kolosh and stay within thier buses.
Originally posted by poptartofdeath
Cannibal Corpse was in the Chinese restraunt next door to Jaxx a couple years ago, Andrew, but I don't think many of the bands are looking for General Tso's or Koh-kolosh and stay within thier buses.

Haha. Classic. Was that during the Dimmu Borgir tour in 2001?

I wonder if they got their nails done at the place in the shopping center...
Damn you!!!

That's awesome, man. One time when Incantation came to my town and just before they went on, there was this crazy ass dude in the next urinal as I was taking a piss. He asked me if I liked them and I said that I had heard they were awesome and then he walked out and in a death metal growl yelled out "Incantation!!" Minutes later, he turned out to be the dude doing vocals... it was sweet. I remember asking later down the road a friend (who is an Incantation fanatic) who this guy was and given the tour and date, he gave me a name I didn't recognize, which isn't surprizing since the line up changes seventeen times a year! Either way, it kicked ass.
" I didn't have much to say to them, but I did ask Peter when they were going on...I figured the last thing they wanted was some kid telling them how much they ruled and asking them about the meanings of songs. :rolleyes: "

Dude, I think it's great that you had the presence of mind to leave them be. I think you were totally right in your logic. They probably took it as a compliment that you weren't all over them.

I went to the Jaxx show, and a friend of mine and I were hanging out with some kids we'd met who were staying in our hotel. Well at one point somebody looked out the window, and there was Opeth's tour bus! A couple of people immediately dashed downstairs, I guess hoping to run into them... I thought the room was clearing, so I got up, and my friend said, "No sense in going down there and harassing them"... and I said, "yeah, where was I going? I don't want to bug them.." Turned out that they were packing up to leave, so nobody got to see them... but my friend made fun of me for almost following the crowd downstairs. But really I wasn't thinking about running into Opeth, I just thought I was going to have to leave too, because everyone else was.

Anyway, I do think it would be an honor to meet them, but I wouldn't want it to be just because I was hanging around outside their tour bus for hours before the show. Personally, I think that's a bit pathetic, and if I were in the band, I don't think I'd like it very much. I consider Opeth stars and I think they should be treated as such, not just some guys that any of us can walk up to and say, "dude, I think that one song rocks, but you should go like THIS instead, on that one part". I think the way the person who put up the first post met them was cool, because it was by happenstance, not because he was following them around.
I'd like to meet Darkane and take them out for drinks. The problem is I'm on the wrong side of the planet, and I don't have a band, letalone a band they like and wouldn't mind spending time with :S AND I'm not old enough to buy drinks. My fantasies should die before they occur :S