The last place you thought you might meet another metal fan


Pokemon Master
Aug 24, 2007
Matang Jaya,Malaysia
What is the weirdest place you thought might meet another metal fan?? I would like to hear stories like that.

There's one time I was buying some stuff in a local grocery store. I never wore any metal band t-shirts to this place. So there was one time I was wearing my friend's Impiety t-shirt. There's this cashier girl who has been working there for probably around 6 months looked at my shirt and asked "is that Impiety?" Both of us then spoke about metal for around 5 minutes. The line was getting long so I had to go. I rarely talk to her now though since I don't really know her and I only meet her when I buy stuff at that store.

Tell me yours.
I met an Emperor fan the other day in Roman History class, but that's probably the most likely class for an Emperor fan to take at the university.
I met a guy wearing an Emperor shirt while getting something at Wal Mart about a month back. I noticed his shirt and he noticed my Graveland shirt, and we started talking about black metal for a good 15 minutes. We exchanged AIM screen names afterwards and still speak on a somewhat frequent basis.

That's the only time something like that has happened with me.
I saw some dude with hair to his waist and a Darkthrone shirt (Transilvanian Hunger) while standing in line at the store; he was pretty far away, so I didn't talk to him (I actually didn't really care, but if it happened then that would have been cool too I suppose).

I wanted to yell at him that Soulside Journey is a better album, but I fear his grimness may have been too much for me to handle.
I had my Pink Floyd shirt on at the doctors office one day and this older dude that was sitting next to me commented about it. So we bsed about older bands from the 60's and 70's and I mentioned Black Sabbath and how they are one of my favorite metal bands. He nearly freaked out, he was like "You like metal!?!?" I was like, "Nah I'm a poser." He didn't say anything for a second and I said, "I'm just fuckin with you, yeah metal is good stuff." So we chatted about Priest and Sabbath for a while then I was called in for my appointment.
The only time I've ever encountered another real metal head was about a month ago. It was this guy I've worked with for years, but was never aware he knew anything of metal. Whenever I've heard him discussing music with other people it's always been about old school punk and hardcore. Then out of nowhere one day he asked me what I listen to. I responded all kinds of black and death metal. He responded: like what- Emperor, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Borknagar, and Immortal? I was incredibly shocked when we actually proceeded to have a conversation about Varg, Norway, and the Black Circle.
Well, It's not really where I met them, but just how...
There was this guy in my astronomy class who always wore preppy clothes and was kinda weird and hyper. He was decently nice, we talked a little, but never about music, just making fun of the teacher and stuff like that. I wear band shirts, listen to my cd player as loud as it goes to where people say things to me and everything, and still it never came up.

So in December I go to see Vader, Malevolent Creation, Cattle Decapitation, and Abigail Williams. I head to the pit, and who would be the first guy I ran into, but preppy looking kid in a Cattle Decapitation shirt bearing the same picture that's on my avatar.

Kinda weird, but interesting, none the less.
I met one of my good friends by just noticing the shirt he was wearing (Windir) when I was a high school freshman. He was a sophomore. I still talk to him a lot and he's the one driving Nick and I down to Maryland in May...good times.
My own block. He moved a few doors down from my house from New York last summer.
I'm rarely astonished if a see/meet a metalhead, I mean alot of my friends are and alot of people are generally around here. There are two people that listens to metal that works at my local grocery store and a few more around my block.
After getting knocked out by a group of chavs in a park the police officer who came round to take my statement, or what ever it is, recognised my Pig Destroyer shirt and it turns out he was going to Wacken and Brutal Assault that year.
I'm rarely astonished if a see/meet a metalhead, I mean alot of my friends are and alot of people are generally around here. There are two people that listens to metal at my local grocery store and a few more around my block.

Yeah, I have loads of friends around here who are into metal and spending lots of time in Camden it's more unusual to see chavs a lot of the time than people into metal etc.
I met an awesome old school rocker.
Not really a metal head but you know :p

I was working down the chinese and he noticed my Maiden shirt. Told me a bunch of stories about how he saw Motorhead and AC/DC and Maiden live back in the 80's.
He was like 40, just looked like any other guy, but was pretty awesome.
I'm not friends with metalheads generally.
Most of the ones I've met have been complete idiots. Whats the point.

Only time I was vaguely surprised to see one was in my German elective last year. Some guy who liked thrash and stuff. But hes moved to France now.
Nice guy.. gave me a lift home from an Amon Amarth gig once.
I have one friend that is into Behexen, Darkthrone and stuff like that. Hes not to into it. I did meet one of the stoners in my school who is a grade higher than me and hes into Darkthrone and Mayhem and stuff like that but hes way into drugs so I dont hang out with him.
I met a guy in a Celtic Frost shirt at a bus stop. I talk to him every once in a while, but he's a bit of a douche and full of himself and his Thrash band. Haven't seen him in over a semester though.