Why metal never gets to Argentina?


Aug 2, 2005
ehy people , answerd me that please , becouse i cant understand it , we dont speak too much in inglish but we Like metal.

Sieg Heil! :worship:
ahaha, maybe down there "Sieg Heil" means simply "Hail".

in europe (and US) its "shocking" and "politically incorrect" to use that term even if you didnt even think of associating it to nazism and for you it may just be an expression of joy and excitement... i thought you should know MetalurgiA.
Hey dude, there's metal everywhere you look, just gotta look hard enough. Someone told me about this band from your country called Mastifal, pretty cool stuff, here's a link:

Tell me what you guys think, my particular favorite is Holocausto Mental, kinda ironic, when you consider your last words...

Just glad you guys don't tolerate nazis and stuff :wave:
Well, I got some relatives of my mother living there ( Belgian ) who went there and started a textile factory in the 1920's or '30's, I think.
So not all Nazis over there...
"I heard some people got to Argentina in U-Boats"
lol, you've said it!!!
while 2nd WW they were quite a lot of "submarine base" in argentina and chiefly U-Boot type VII have been committed in the struggle, to send allis ship convoys to the bottom in southern Atlantica.
and as well, it's there many a nazis fleed into, after the defeat.
i'd like too to add a point: quite a lot of slodiers have been sent out there. so, ther eis a part of then that's nazi^^