Why PETA should be shut down...


The White Wizard
Aug 8, 2007
Boston, MA
Okay, so in the Shroud of Bereavement forum, someone posted this, and I was quite pissed off. Their forum is a bit slow though, so I figured I should post it here to have a more...fruitful discussion. This is the thread my sig came from as well. This is going to be very ranty...but oh well.

Anyways...Peta was handing these things out to kids in elementary school. They are in comic form and have bright colors...perfect to get a little kids attention. Heres the cover of two of them....



(more info http://www.petakillsanimals.com )

Now is it just me, or is this absolutely disgusting? Not the topic of the matter, but the fact that these assholes and hippocrates are going this far.

PETA never ceases to disgust me. I had been a vegetarian for almost 2 years and just recently ended it because I got a taste for meat again, (the whole animal treatment thing was fucked but didn't bother me a whole lot) These people kill perfectly adoptable animals, protest vet facilities who test on one animal to save thousands, hand out this filth to elementary school kids, and make false videos depicting "farmers" killing animals when infact, its PETA members. Even when I was a vegetarian I was disgusted by them

What makes these people so dense to think that they actually have a say in something that has been going on since the beginning of time? They are probably the most unintelligent group of people I have seen in a while, just as much as stupid, they're ignorant, they're camera whores, and they crave attention.

Now I'm not a parent. I have brothers though, who are in Elementary school who eat meat. If I found my brother or kids (when I have them) with one of those friggin hell-books in their hands when they get back from school, I'd friggin beat those ignorant fuckers to a pulp. You're a vegetarian, great! You're a vegan, great! You don't like the way meat is processed and the animals are treated, great, great! But fuckin keep in it to yourself. That will at least show that you have half a brain. I dont get how they think they can change something that has been happening since the B.C. Eras.

Your opinions?
They really do. I'm dead serious.

Yeah the police watched two people dump 30 dead cats and dogs and other domestic animals that they murdered into dumpster...supports my claim to some of the dumbest people ever...

Theyre just going to get eaten anyway...so get over it lol
Yeah, they were trapping people's pets and killing them. Apparently they tried going to a vet, but the vet refused to euthanize them because they were healthy.
Reminds of me of how a year or two ago there was that story of some PETA group in some town that was rescuing animals from shelters. Turns out they were just killing them themselves and then disposing of the corpses in a random dumpster.

edit: BEATEN in the time it took me to type that up.
Reminds of me of how a year or two ago there was that story of some PETA group in some town that was rescuing animals from shelters. Turns out they were just killing them themselves and then disposing of the corpses in a random dumpster.

edit: BEATEN in the time it took me to type that up.

I'll treat an animal the way it deserves to be treated. As FOOD, or entertainment. Or entertaining food!
Reminds of me of how a year or two ago there was that story of some PETA group in some town that was rescuing animals from shelters. Turns out they were just killing them themselves and then disposing of the corpses in a random dumpster.

edit: BEATEN in the time it took me to type that up.

what would drive someone to do that??

anyway those comics are completely rediculous...they go way to far.