Why PETA should be shut down...

Fuck, those covers are terrible :(

Yeah, PETA are a bunch of extremist psychos...for the most part.
I have far more respect for A.L.F.
A Roast Beef is in my oven!!! I should take pictures and sent it to those bastards!

Fuck, those covers are terrible :(

Yeah, PETA are a bunch of extremist psychos...for the most part.
I have far more respect for A.L.F.

Still a militant AR group...and I dont really support Militant anything.
The ALF was named as a terrorist threat by the United States Department of Homeland Security in January 2005.[10] In hearings held on May 18, 2005 before a Senate panel, officials of the FBI and ATF stated that "violent animal rights extremists and eco-terrorists now pose one of the most serious terrorism threats to the nation," adding that "of particular concern are the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF)."

Southern Poverty Law Center has criticized the Department of Homeland Security for concentrating on the Animal and Earth Liberation Fronts rather than on white supremacists, writing that "for all the property damage they have wreaked, eco-radicals have killed no one — something that cannot be said of the white supremacists and others who people the American radical right."[54] Senator James Jeffords said that the "ELF and ALF may threaten dozens of people each year, but an incident at a chemical, nuclear or wastewater facility would threaten tens of thousands."[52]

In 1998, Professor Paul Wilkinson, former director of the University of St Andrews Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, said that the ALF and its splinter groups were the "most serious domestic terrorist threat within the United Kingdom."[51] He told Channel 4's Dispatches that the ALF is "very close" to killing someone, adding: "Keith Mann, who was sentenced to 11 years for his extremist violence, said in a message to ALF activists that sooner or later someone would die. He didn’t express any remorse about this or any regret. Now that does show to me a level of fanaticism which is very dangerous indeed."[51] The Daily Telegraph has called the ALF "the most active terrorist organisation in Britain."[55]

Operation Backfire

On January 20, 2006, as part of Operation Backfire, the U.S. Department of Justice announced charges against nine American and two Canadian activists calling themselves the "Family," who are alleged to have engaged in direct action in the name of the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front. The Department of Justice called the acts examples of "domestic terrorism."

The incidents included arson attacks against meat-processing plants, lumber companies, a high-tension power line, and a ski center, in Oregon, Wyoming, Washington, California, and Colorado between 1996 and 2001
ALF activist Donald Currie was jailed for 12 years and placed on probation for life in December 2006 after being found guilty of planting homemade bombs on the doorsteps of businessmen with links to Huntingdon Life Sciences.[34] When ALF activist David Blenkinsop and two others assaulted Huntingdon Life Sciences director Brian Cass with pick-axe handles in February 2001 — an attack so serious that Detective Chief Inspector Tom Hobbs of Cambridgeshire police remarked: "It's only by sheer luck that we are not beginning a murder inquiry"[35] — Ronnie Lee said: "He has got off lightly. I have no sympathy for him."[36]

The ALF has made no secret of its commitment to SHAC. In May 2005, it issued a warning that direct action on behalf of the campaign:

A new era has dawned for those who fund the abusers and raise funds for them to murder animals with. You too are on the hit list: you have been warned. If you support or raise funds for any company connected with Huntingdon Life Sciences we will track you down, come for you and destroy your property with fire.

– ALF statement on behalf of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty[37]

In June 2006, the ALF claimed responsibility for a firebomb attack on UCLA researcher Lynn Fairbanks. The Animal Liberation Press Office issued a statement saying that Fairbanks was conducting "painful addiction experiments" on monkeys,[38] although Fairbanks herself said she studies primate behavior and does not do invasive research.[39] A firebomb was placed on the doorstep of a house occupied by Fairbanks' 70 year-old neighbor and a tenant; according to the FBI, the device was lit, and was powerful enough to have killed the occupants, but it failed to ignite. The attack was credited by the acting chancellor of UCLA as helping to shape the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a bill before the U.S. Congress to give law enforcement officials more power when dealing with animal rights activism.[40] ALF spokesman Jerry Vlasak said of the attack on Fairbanks: "force is a poor second choice, but if that's the only thing that will work ... there's certainly moral justification for that."[41]

[edit] Extensional self-defense

Steven Best recently coined the term "extensional self-defense" to describe actions carried out in defense of animals by human beings acting as "proxy agents."[42]

He argues that, in carrying out acts of extensional self-defense, activists have the moral right to engage in acts of sabotage or even violence.[42] Extensional self-defense is justified, he writes, because animals are "so vulnerable and oppressed they cannot fight back to attack or kill their oppressors."[43] Best argues that the principle of extensional self defense mirrors the penal code statues known as the "necessity defense," which can be invoked when a defendant believes that the illegal act was necessary to avoid imminent and great harm.[43] In testimony to the Senate in 2005, Jerry Vlasak stated that he regarded violence against Huntingdon Life Sciences as an example of extensional self-defense.[44] <--- Oh bullshit.
I don't even see how those titles on the (horrendous) covers could be relevant. Do any of you ever recall your parents killing animals like that? Hunting, sure maybe a few of you. Where the animal is out before it even knows what hit it. But your mother gutting a rabbit alive on the kitchen counter? Give me a fucking break. What are they even trying to accomplish? Psychotic.
Wow, things have changed since I last looked at that group (ALF).

I had respect for them because they initially stated that their goal was to harm no one. If they do kill someone, it's going against their credo, and they'll be no better than any other crazy group.
I don't even see how those titles on the (horrendous) covers could be relevant. Do any of you ever recall your parents killing animals like that? Hunting, sure maybe a few of you. Where the animal is out before it even knows what hit it. But your mother gutting a rabbit alive on the kitchen counter? Give me a fucking break. What are they even trying to accomplish? Psychotic.

how do YOU cook?
Wow, things have changed since I last looked at that group (ALF).

I had respect for them because they initially stated that their goal was to harm no one. If they do kill someone, it's going against their credo, and they'll be no better than any other crazy group.

I'm just glad you're not one the the nuts that thinks the other "Liberation" groups are god's gift to the earth :D
OH wait I stab the rabbits to death with a hunting knife. Sorry i had to look at the cover again to remind me what I do on a regular basis for food.

However the thought of buying meat from the butchery of a grocery store and just cooking that up has never once crossed my mind. I'm too sadistic for that. I need to bludgeon and torture my meals personally, before I eat them.
BTW, one of the problems with ALF is that anyone can be a member...

And that Steven Best guy stated that he wasn't a member of ALF.
Oh wait you're right. I catch rabbits in traps from outside of my backyard, bring them inside while wringing their necks, or I catch fish from my backyard too; gut them alive on my counter and eat their entrails.

you didn't get the joke, did you
It's pretty hard to get any legitimate information on the ALF or the ELF honestly. Since neither have a structured heirarchy, anyone who commits an act of "eco-terror" or "animal liberation" can claim they acted under the banner of the organization. Some members will denounce the works of others and other members will intentionally feed the media false clues/information (more true in the case of the ELF). I think many of the goals of the ELF are noble and should be praised, but I wont pretend to buy into the entirety of the groups ideology. I certainly can identify with the outrage felt by many of the "extremists."