why the fuck is the August 3rd Seattle show 21+?

...Fuckers are "Unable to come to the phone right now."

Will, call 'em.
Every age should be welcome and alcohol ain't no reason to keep youngsters out.
There are other ways to deal with the liquid.
Everyone should be able to visit concerts, i'm so glad Holland doesn't have such stupid rules.
In casino's, striptease and sex clubs it's 18+ and that seems a reasonable ethical rule to me,
but age limits at concerts go beyond my comprehension.
Musical cultures must be explored, not censored.
Every age should be welcome and alcohol ain't no reason to keep youngsters out.
There are other ways to deal with the liquid.
Everyone should be able to visit concerts, i'm so glad Holland doesn't have such stupid rules.
In casino's, striptease and sex clubs it's 18+ and that seems a reasonable ethical rule to me,
but age limits at concerts go beyond my comprehension.
Musical cultures must be explored, not censored.

Iris for President.
what with wills facial fungus, u could say he is a grandpa...hahahaah
poor boy, maybe they will sneak your fat ass in.
^ welcome to united states of retardika.

It's rediculous.
Will, jokes aside, I sure hope it's not true....
I tend to like 21+ shows because then they allow you to walk with your drink freely everywhere in the venue, but screw that. It's really unfair
for the rest of the fans...
Oh, I agree. I normally get pissed at all ages shows because you're sorta squeezed into a tiny part of the venue and normally can't enjoy the music. BUT, that's just how it works. Most folks deal with it and things go fine.

It's more undertandable here because 15, 16 and (some!) 17yr olds are kids, and the rules make some sense. The 21 thing in the states means that 19 and 20yr olds, who are adults, get royally screwed.
The main reasoning behind such things besides the "oh, we dont want minors to drink" is that insurance is constantly growing for all ages concert venues that serve alcohol, and I guess Studio 7 doesn't want to shell out the cash. That sucks when it comes to the local music scene, because now the bands will be STUCK with playing in VFWs and shit without a soundboard, because they can't play at Studio 7 due to their ages (assuming that there are alot of bands under 21. The rule in NJ and Philadelphia is "if your band members are 18, you can play, but you need to bring 21+ aged people". That limits it to family members. It will get really frustrating and could even cause bands to give up. I remember seeing alot of people under 21 at Nevermore's last Seattle show, so the band will DEFINITELY take a huge hit in their home town. That really sucks to see.
This is interesting. One of the main selling points Studio Seven has always stood by is that they're ALWAYS all ages. I don't understand why they'd make this show 21+.

David, can my band please get all of our gear out of there before you burn it down? Thanks, appreciate it!
Though I have no vested interest in this show as I can't travel to Seattle and I am over 21, I was curious enough about the change of tune from All Ages to 21+ that I called and spoke with Nicole at Studio Seven to inquire about this.

I was informed that the reason for the change is that the show is being promoted by Camel cigarettes and is therefore 21+, although those who had already bought tickets would be admitted but will have armbands and be restricted to a certain area of the venue (where there are presumably no mind-controlling smoking adds corrupting them).

Pretty sure the smoking age in Washington state is 18 though. Could be a line of bullshit.