why the fuck is the August 3rd Seattle show 21+?

I just called and the bitch that picked up the phone was well.. a bitch.

S7 "Hello, Studio 7"
me "Yes, I'm calling about a question I have in regards to the Nevermore show on..."
S7 "haha...hahaha... calling about a question..."
me "...about Nevermore's show on August 3rd. On your flyer, it says all ages, but on your website it says that it's 21+"
S7 "and?"
me "I was just curious to know what would have caused that change"
S7 "well, the show is being put on by blahblahblah entertainment and they just decided to change it."

yeah, calling in regards to a question. I hope you laugh at all of your customers, you cunt.

she also said that people under 21 would be accommodated if they already bought a ticket. i dont know if that means entry to the show or just a refund. i'd recommend calling.
Well, my ticket is bought, so I'm going. Eric, you bought yours too, I'll see you there.
That's pretty lame, I was planning on buying some tickets and watching one of my favorite bands jam. Since I live a grand total of maybe fifteen minutes from S7.
I talked to the owner, I got Eric, Will and Laura in because I already have an all ages ticket.

Anyone who has already bought their ticket is able to get in, and Eric, Will, and Laura are getting in because they're WITH ME.

I just called and the bitch that picked up the phone was well.. a bitch.

S7 "Hello, Studio 7"
me "Yes, I'm calling about a question I have in regards to the Nevermore show on..."
S7 "haha...hahaha... calling about a question..."
me "...about Nevermore's show on August 3rd. On your flyer, it says all ages, but on your website it says that it's 21+"

...calling about a "question". I'd be calling about an "answer".
But, that's just me.
^ welcome to united states of retardika.

It's rediculous.
Will, jokes aside, I sure hope it's not true....
I tend to like 21+ shows because then they allow you to walk with your drink freely everywhere in the venue, but screw that. It's really unfair
for the rest of the fans...

Karen, sorry to ask this silly question, but I don´t know anything like that from Germany. What are you supposed to do when it says "all ages"? Do you have to hide your drink from the people that are under 21???
That seems so strange....
^ No, of course you don't have to "hide" it. but you do need to stay in certain areas. Normally they won't allow drinks right in front of the stage area, and you will drink around the bar and another raised platform to watch the band. That will only take affect when you're actually holding a drink, and not ALL THE TIME.
They just don't want the actualy drinks around under aged kids.

of course.
^ No, of course you don't have to "hide" it. but you do need to stay in certain areas. Normally they won't allow drinks right in front of the stage area, and you will drink around the bar and another raised platform to watch the band. That will only take affect when you're actually holding a drink, and not ALL THE TIME.
They just don't want the actualy drinks around under aged kids.

of course.

Ugh, that IS strange.
But yes, good that everything worked out for you, Will!
Why can't there just be a universal age limit for alcohol in North America. 19. I'm legally able to drink here, so that should apply wherever I go.
You guys want to merge with Washington, Cali, and Oregon? We're totally ok with the plan. We'll need a name for our new country though. Oh, and we're leaving all parts of California south of Monterey in the US. Trust me, we don't want them.